Advanced Administrative Tools for Zimbra with Zextras Suite | Zimbra

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Administrative tools is the collective name for several advanced tools in Zextras suite that facilitates a lot of tasks for Zimbra system administrators. These tools cover a wide range of functionalities such as delegated administration, quota management, and limit management for domains. Ability to keep track of administrative activities through log browser and a dedicated report system for monthly activities are other useful appliances in this toolkit.

Zextras Suite Administrative Tools For Zimbra

Simply put, it’s a toolset of different functionalities that not only facilitates the life of system administrators it also provides Zimbra servers with new features that have been craved by system administrators for a long time such as delegated administration and report system.

These advanced administrative tools fall under the Zextras Admin module and are accessible using the zxsuite admin CLI commands and Zimbra administration console. The underlying features include

  • Delegated administration
  • Quota management
  • Domain limit management
  • Log browsing
  • Report system

Let’s take a look at these features.

Delegated Administration

It is by far the most requested feature on the list. It not only provides system administrators with a set of operations to grant administrative rights to rights to another user it also enables them to track their activity and edit or revoke it if needed.

One of the most important advantages is optimizing management by allowing another level of administration to perform limited administrative tasks. It will take some burden off the system administrators and without jeopardizing the security.

It can be configured both through the Zimbra administration console and command-line interface.

To learn more read the Zextras suite documentation on delegated administration.

Quota And Domain Limit Management

Using quota management, Zimbra system administrators can set a limit to the maximum quota of mailboxes. The maximum quota that system administrators can grant to a mailbox in the domain is called domain quota and the maximum quota that delegated administrators can grant to a mailbox grant limit.

These quotas let system administrators control the size of mailboxes, therefore, the growth of mailbox databases. The need to control this growth by the system administrator will be more evident with the presence of other delegated administrators. The global system administrator can easily set the limitations even regardless of granting administrative rights.

The only important thing to consider is that these two properties are mutually exclusive. We encourage you to read the Zextras suite documentation on this topic.

Domain limit management, on the other hand, allows a global administrator to set some limits at the domain level including global account limit, domain quota, and COS limits, the only difference here is that these limits cannot be exceeded by any administrator. These are also known as domain settings.

  • Global account limit: The maximum number of accounts that can be created on the domain.
  • Domain quota: The maximum quota that administrator can grant to a mailbox in the domain.
  • COS Limits: The maximum number of users per class of servic, and the classes of service can that be used for users in the domain.

These can be configured through both the Zimbra administration console and command-line.

To learn more read the Zextras suite documentation on domain limit management.

Log Browsing And Report System

Zextras suite provides global administrators two tools to monitor administrative activities including delegated administrators. This is done through

  • Log browser: A search-based graphical log browser to keep track of administrative activities,
  • Report system: A report feature to keep track of administrative activities and domain status for a given month.

These are very useful tools to track down administrative actions while troubleshooting issues.

The log browser features several filters to help with narrowing down the activities you’re browsing. Filters such as Action, Client IP, and Show Logins.

To learn more read the Zextras suite documentation on log browser.

On the other hand, the report system creates a report based on the admin log. This includes three types of reports;

  • Global report,
  • Domain report,
  • Admin report.

These reports cover various activities. To name a few; first and last logged action, most active admin, current domain size, accounts with no quota limit, most used address, accounts created and deleted.

To learn more read the Zextras suite documentation on the report system.

Both the log browser and the report system are accessible through the Zimbra administration console and command-line interface.

To learn more read the Zextras suite documentation webpage.

Download Zextras Suite for Zimbra OSE

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