How to Add A Global Address List (GAL) to Carbonio Community Edition | Carbonio CE

One of the main functions of a corporate server is the global address book or GAL - a list of email addresses of all enterprise employees, which allows you to...

Administrative Creation of Email Rules in Carbonio Community Edition | Carbonio CE

In the last article, we talked about how users can create their own email rules to more effectively manage the flow of emails entering their inboxes. However, a situation may...

How To Unlock the Power of the MTA Panel Of Admin User Interface | Carbonio

As technology advances, the need for efficient and secure email systems becomes increasingly important. In response to this demand, Carbonio CE Admin User Interface has recently added a dedicated MTA...

Multi-server Installation on RHEL 8 – Carbonio Community Edition | Carbonio CE

Previously, we talked about how to implement a single-server installation of Carbonio on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, but this option is more suitable for testing than for a full-fledged...

How to Set Up a Domain Disclaimer in Carbonio Community Edition | Carbonio CE

A domain disclaimer, which is forced to be added at the end of each email sent by users of a mail domain, is one of the most requested features of...

Enable and Disable User Features in Carbonio Community Edition | Carbonio CE

The Carbonio CE mail server provides a lot of options for users, including sending, receiving, and viewing email, creating appointments, managing address books, and much more. However, it often happens...