It was between 1832 to 1965 that email transformed from Interoffice to Internet. As time passed, the hardware became smaller and sometimes even invisible (cloud). But the primary purpose remains...
The Carbonio CE mail server provides a lot of options for users, including sending, receiving, and viewing email, creating appointments, managing address books, and much more. However, it often happens...
In this article, we are going to discuss about the migration process of your email system from M365 to Carbonio CE. To perform this migration process, we are going to...
In this article, we are going to discuss about the migration process of your email system from Google workspace to Carbonio CE. To perform this migration process, we are going...
We hope you read the first article which is about Zimbra to Carbonio CE migration using imapsync method. From the first article, you already understood that migration can be easy...
Can you tell me what is the most wearisome task that any system administrator faces at least once in a career life time? It is undoubtedly the migration activity. It...