If you open a user-to-user session on a chat page and close the web page, then when you reopen the chat page there is a "rejoin meeting" button instead of "start meeting". When I try to rejoin a meeting, a window appears with the microphone/camera turned on and the “enter” button, but I can’t enter. In the video server logs: ...janus[861]: [ERR] [janus.c:janus_process_incoming_request:1171] Couldn't find any session 2050152186771016...
I couldn’t find in the documentation how to manage video server sessions
Thanks for reporting, we'll try to add some troubleshooting documentation as soon as we can.
@stefanodavid Even after updating to 24.3 and ubuntu 22.04 the problem persists. How to delete a video server session?
GChrome console error: AccessMeetingModal.tsx:345
{type: 'basic', url: 'https://myDomain.com/services/chats/meetings/738f2069-fa8d-4b1b-9c7b-b2eb95b076a0/join',
redirected: false, status: 424, ok: false, …}body: (…)bodyUsed: falseheaders: Headers {}ok: falseredirected: falsestatus: 424statusText: ""
type: "basic"url: "https://myDomain.com/services/chats/meetings/738f2069-fa8d-4b1b-9c7b-b2eb95b076a0/join"[[Prototype]]:
ResponsearrayBuffer: ƒ arrayBuffer()blob: ƒ blob()body: (…)bodyUsed: (…)clone: ƒ clone()formData: ƒ formData()headers: (…)json: ƒ json()ok:
(…)redirected: (…)status: (…)statusText: (…)text: ƒ text()type: (…)url:
(…)constructor: ƒ Response()Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Response"get body: ƒ body()get bodyUsed: ƒ bodyUsed()get headers:
ƒ headers()get ok: ƒ ok()get redirected: ƒ redirected()get status: ƒ status()get statusText: ƒ statusText()get type: ƒ type()get url:
ƒ url()[[Prototype]]:
Object 'Error on joinMeeting'
Sorry to hear about your trouble.
To delete any existing video meeting session, do this:
# PGPASSWORD=<postgresql_password> carbonio-ws-collaboration-meeting-cleanup carbonio_adm 5432
Now if all the workstream collaboration-related service statuses are running, then could you please do the following and let us know how it goes? (If possible)
1. su - zextras -c "zmcontrol stop"
2. reboot now [Reboot the server]
After the reboot is done:
1. su - zextras -c "zmcontrol restart"
2. systemctl restart carbonio-tasks
3. systemctl restart carbonio-message-broker
4. systemctl restart carbonio-message-dispatcher
5. systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration
6. systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver
Now try to initiate a video meeting:
if still video meetings are not initiated or the screen is blank.
5. systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration
6. systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver
refresh the browser, if possible login and try again.
I know it's a lot to ask but I would cordially request you to try these for now and let us know.
@sharif I completed all the steps, the meeting is initiated, devices are selected (microphone, camera) but there is no image, and the camera button becomes inactive. The browser reports an error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 ()
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<html> <he"... is not valid JSON
when you press the camera off button:
PUT https://mydomain.com/services/chats/meetings/a5e398f1-b56d-4027-86c0-421f575a170d/media 400 (Bad Request)
If it is not too much to ask, could you please reinstall following the steps:
@sharif I definitely won’t reinstall it on a production server. Besides, as I understand it, this script is for a new installation
My apologies. I would never recommend you reinstall the production server.
I that can we need to look at all the status logs of all workstream collaboration services as well as the source of instructions that you used to install it.
Hi, have the same issue.
I tried all the processes described here, but the image remains black and the audio does not come out.
When entering the room, the camera and microphone work in the test.
# PGPASSWORD=<postgresql_password> carbonio-ws-collaboration-meeting-cleanup carbonio_adm 5432
Not work on 24.9.2
Could you please provide following information:
# su - zextras -c "zmcontrol -v && zmcontrol status" # su - zextras -c "systemctl list-units carbonio*" # su - zextras -c "consul members" # curl -s -v | jq