Video server proble...
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Video server problems

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If you open a user-to-user session on a chat page and close the web page, then when you reopen the chat page there is a "rejoin meeting" button instead of "start meeting". When I try to rejoin a meeting, a window appears with the microphone/camera turned on and the “enter” button, but I can’t enter. In the video server logs: ...janus[861]: [ERR] [janus.c:janus_process_incoming_request:1171] Couldn't find any session 2050152186771016...

I couldn’t find in the documentation how to manage video server sessions

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Thanks for reporting, we'll try to add some troubleshooting documentation as soon as we can.

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@stefanodavid Even after updating to 24.3 and ubuntu 22.04 the problem persists. How to delete a video server session?

GChrome console error: AccessMeetingModal.tsx:345
{type: 'basic', url: '',
redirected: false, status: 424, ok: false, …}body: (…)bodyUsed: falseheaders: Headers {}ok: falseredirected: falsestatus: 424statusText: ""
type: "basic"url: ""[[Prototype]]:
ResponsearrayBuffer: ƒ arrayBuffer()blob: ƒ blob()body: (…)bodyUsed: (…)clone: ƒ clone()formData: ƒ formData()headers: (…)json: ƒ json()ok:
(…)redirected: (…)status: (…)statusText: (…)text: ƒ text()type: (…)url:
(…)constructor: ƒ Response()Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Response"get body: ƒ body()get bodyUsed: ƒ bodyUsed()get headers:
ƒ headers()get ok: ƒ ok()get redirected: ƒ redirected()get status: ƒ status()get statusText: ƒ statusText()get type: ƒ type()get url:
ƒ url()[[Prototype]]:
Object 'Error on joinMeeting'

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 574



Sorry to hear about your trouble.

To delete any existing video meeting session, do this:

# PGPASSWORD=<postgresql_password> carbonio-ws-collaboration-meeting-cleanup carbonio_adm 5432

Now if all the workstream collaboration-related service statuses are running, then could you please do the following and let us know how it goes? (If possible)

1. su - zextras -c "zmcontrol stop"

2. reboot now [Reboot the server]

After the reboot is done:

1. su - zextras -c "zmcontrol restart"
2. systemctl restart carbonio-tasks
3. systemctl restart carbonio-message-broker
4. systemctl restart carbonio-message-dispatcher
5. systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration
6. systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver

Now try to initiate a video meeting:
if still video meetings are not initiated or the screen is blank.

5. systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration
6. systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver

refresh the browser, if possible login and try again.

I know it's a lot to ask but I would cordially request you to try these for now and let us know.




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@sharif I completed all the steps, the meeting is initiated, devices are selected (microphone, camera) but there is no image, and the camera button becomes inactive. The browser reports an error:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 ()

 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<html> <he"... is not valid JSON

when you press the camera off button:

PUT 400 (Bad Request)


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If it is not too much to ask, could you please reinstall following the steps:



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@sharif I definitely won’t reinstall it on a production server. Besides, as I understand it, this script is for a new installation

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Posts: 574



My apologies. I would never recommend you reinstall the production server.
I that can we need to look at all the status logs of all workstream collaboration services as well as the source of instructions that you used to install it.



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Posts: 3

Hi @dosnso, do you resolve this problem?, I have the same issue and can't fix it.

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Posts: 1

Hi, have the same issue. 

I tried all the processes described here, but the image remains black and the audio does not come out.
When entering the room, the camera and microphone work in the test.

