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[Solved] Failed to start service discover server for Zextras

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Joined: 3 years ago
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Thank you for release carbonioCE Official.It a milestone!

I immediately installed, but I don't know how to clear font cache of Files feature, I reboot machine.

My ubuntu20 show me the message 'Failed to start service discover server for Zextras'

Someone tell me how to make discover server auto boot, and how to clear font cache ,pls.



Joined: 3 years ago
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I fixed the issue above using command 'systemctl start carbonio'.

I confirmed that service 'carbonio' certainly exists in /etc/init.d.

It seems that service discover server and LSB? does't wakeup when OS startup.

Joined: 3 years ago
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Sorry many times, this issue is not yet solved.

I tried many times OS reboot, but failed to start service discover server.(single server installation)

According to journalctl -u carbonio.*

carbonio.service: Failed with result 'timeout'

Failed to start LSB: Carbonio Services.


please help me.
