and thanks for the great works.
At step 4, the execution of pending-setups result into an error for module carbonio-docs-editor.sh. I could manually get all other modules successfully installed (not using the -an option), but this one remains.
Please see below output of command:
root@mail3:~# pending-setups Insert the cluster credential password: You have 1 pending setups to run 0) carbonio-docs-editor.sh a) execute all q) quit Please input your selection: > 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Executing /etc/zextras/pending-setups.d/carbonio-docs-editor.sh Insert the cluster credential password: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/carbonio-docs-routes-generator.py", line 6, in <module> import requests ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests' The generation of the carbonio-docs-editor configs files failed (see /usr/lib/carbonio-docs-routes-generator.py) Setup script failed, keeping it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I saw one post on the forum about the same issue, but without solution.
Can you help?
I was also haveing the same issue like you, I did fix installing python3-requests package manually by apt install python3-requests.
But, I got new error on next step, and I don't find any fix yet.
Executing /etc/zextras/pending-setups.d/carbonio-message-dispatcher.sh Insert the cluster credential password: ID: 5bdd3e79-d0e7-0102-10fc-a0b45a84f495 Name: carbonio-message-dispatcher-policy Description: Carbonio Message Dispatcher policy for service and sidecar proxy Datacenters: Rules: { "key_prefix": [ { "carbonio-message-dispatcher/": { "policy": "write" }, "carbonio-message-dispatcher-db/": { "policy": "read" } } ], "node_prefix": [ { "": { "policy": "read" } } ], "service": [ { "carbonio-message-dispatcher-xmpp": { "policy": "write" }, "carbonio-message-dispatcher-http": { "policy": "write" }, "carbonio-message-dispatcher-auth": { "policy": "write" }, "carbonio-message-dispatcher-http-sidecar-proxy": { "policy": "write" }, "carbonio-message-dispatcher-xmpp-sidecar-proxy": { "policy": "write" }, "carbonio-message-dispatcher-auth-sidecar-proxy": { "policy": "write" } } ] } Config entry written: service-defaults/carbonio-message-dispatcher-http Config entry written: service-intentions/carbonio-message-dispatcher-http Config entry written: service-defaults/carbonio-message-dispatcher-xmpp Config entry written: service-intentions/carbonio-message-dispatcher-xmpp Carbonio Message Dispatcher database password not found. Please install carbonio-message-dispatcher-db and run carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap command. Script for Message Dispatcher terminated with error Setup script failed, keeping it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------root@mail ~ # PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm Database: user carbonio_adm Password for user carbonio_adm: Error connecting to Consul agent: Error loading token file: open /etc/carbonio/message-dispatcher-db/service-discover/token: no such file or directory
What I am missing?
Hi everyone, I got the same problem when using instruction at https://docs.zextras.com/carbonio-ce/html/install/scenarios/single-server-scenario.html but no problem with instruction in this post.
I can figure out that the main different is instruction in this post install 'carbonio-message-*', 'carbonio-videoserver', 'carbonio-ws-collaboration-*' later after first apt install.
Can you please correct the install instruction in documentation page?
Hi Guys,
I have prepared a draft of the deployment of Carbonio CE 23.12.0 workstream collaboration in step by step format. BTW all the information is available in the documentation (docs.zextras.com); I just summed it up for you.
For Ubuntu 20.04LTS - Single Server
Simplified version of steps:
[Always check with official documentation for updated information]
*** A surprise lurks within the post. 😊
1. Preparing the server
[Add Zextras repository using this link ( https://zextras.com/carbonio-community-edition#discoverproduct ) and form ]Set hostname
Set hosts
Set time-zone reboot2. Configure PostgreSQL
apt install postgresql-12 -y read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE ROLE carbonio_adm WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER encrypted password '$DB_ADM_PWD';\"" su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE DATABASE carbonio_adm owner carbonio_adm;\"" systemctl restart postgresql[Check this link - https://docs.zextras.com/carbonio-ce/html/install/scenarios/single-server-scenario.html#preliminary-task ]
3. Install Carbonio CE Packages:
apt install service-discover-server \ carbonio-directory-server \ carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db \ carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db \ carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui \ carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-files-public-folder-ui \ carbonio-user-management carbonio-mta \ carbonio-appserver carbonio-storages-ce \ carbonio-files-ce carbonio-preview-ce \ carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-tasks-ce \ carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus -y4. Mandatory steps:
carbonio-bootstrap service-discover setup-wizard pending-setups -a5. Bootstrapping installed Files and Tasks DB
PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-tasks-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm Collaboration Packages Setup:
6. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-message-dispatcher-db)
[Save the same DB value once more] read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher-db -y pending-setups -a PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-message-dispatcher)
[Save the same DB value once more] read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher -y pending-setups -a PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 200008. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-message-broker)
apt install carbonio-message-broker -y pending-setups -a9. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-ws-collaboration-db)
apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-db -y pending-setups -a PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-ws-collaboration-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm you can remove the value set in the variable as DB password:
unset DB_ADM_PWD10. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce)
apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce -y pending-setups -a11. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-videoserver-ce)
apt install carbonio-videoserver-ce -y pending-setups -a12. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui)
apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui -y su - zextras -c "carbonio prov mc default carbonioFeatureChatsEnabled TRUE"13. Change the password of the admin user:
14. Restart Services:
systemctl enable carbonio-tasks systemctl restart carbonio-tasks systemctl enable carbonio-videoserver systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver systemctl restart carbonio-prometheus-nginx-exporter.service su - zextras -c "zmcontrol restart"15. Check status of services:
su - zextras -c "zmcontrol -v" su - zextras -c "zmcontrol status" systemctl list-units carbonio*16. Additional recommendation: (Modify MTA Trusted Network)
su - zextras -c "carbonio prov ms $(hostname -f) zimbraMtaMyNetworks ' $(hostname -i)/32'" su - zextras -c "zmmtactl restart"17. Restart the server and restart mentioned services as per the order shown below:
reboot now systemctl restart carbonio-tasks systemctl restart carbonio-message-broker systemctl restart carbonio-message-dispatcher systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver systemctl restart carbonio-prometheus-nginx-exporter.service
A reference video link:
Fresh Installation of Carbonio CE 23.12.0 Workstream Collaboration
A Bash Script to automate the installation: 😎
Feel free modify it and play around with it.
#!/bin/bash # Define ANSI color codes for colored output RED='\033[0;31m' # Failed - Red GREEN='\033[0;32m' # Done - Green YELLOW='\033[0;33m' # Pending - Yellow LIGHT_GRAY='\033[0;37m' # Next - Light Gray (off-white) NC='\033[0m' # No Color - Reset # Define a list of activities activities=("Set hostname" "Configure /etc/hosts" "Set Timezone" "Add Zextras Repository" "Manage APT Repositories" "Install PostgreSQL DB" "Add PostgreSQL Role and Database" "Install Carbonio CE Packages" "Configure Carbonio CE Bootstrap" "Configure Service Discovery" "Configure Pending Setups" "Bootstrap Files and Tasks DB" "Install Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB" "Install Carbonio Message Dispatcher" "Install Carbonio Message Broker" "Install Carbonio WS Collaboration DB" "Install Carbonio WS Collaboration CE" "Install Carbonio Video Server CE" "Install Carbonio WS Collaboration UI" "Change Admin User Password" "Interactive Create Test Users" "Modify MTA for Trusted Network" "Restart Carbonio Services" "Check Carbonio CE Service Status" "Check Consul Status" "Check Carbonio CE System Unit Status" "Check Consul Service Status via HTTP API" "Reboot System Now" "Quit") status=("Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending") # List of predefined hostnames hostnames=("mail.zextras.xyz" "mail.latestserver.xyz" "mail.sampleserver.xyz" "mail.oldserver.xyz" "mail.sampleservers.xyz" "mail.corporatemailbox.xyz" "mail.enterprisemailpro.xyz" "Enter custom hostname") display_menu() { echo "Available Tasks:" printf "%-3s | %-50s | %-10s\n" "No" "Task" "Status" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" local next_task_set=false for i in "${!activities[@]}"; do case "${status[$i]}" in "Done") color=$GREEN ;; "Failed") color=$RED ;; "Pending") if [ "$next_task_set" = false ]; then color=$LIGHT_GRAY status[$i]="Next" next_task_set=true # Display the "Next" task in a box echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" printf "| %-3d | %-50s | ${color}%-10s${NC} |\n" $((i+1)) "${activities[$i]}" "Next" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" continue # Skip the regular print for this task else color=$YELLOW fi ;; *) color=$NC ;; esac printf "%-3d | %-50s | ${color}%-10s${NC}\n" $((i+1)) "${activities[$i]}" "${status[$i]}" done echo # Add an empty line for better readability } # Function to set the hostname set_hostname() { echo "Select a hostname from the list or enter a custom one:" for i in "${!hostnames[@]}"; do printf "%d. %s\n" $((i+1)) "${hostnames[$i]}" done local choice local new_hostname while true; do read -p "Enter your choice (1-${#hostnames[@]}): " choice if [[ $choice -ge 1 && $choice -le ${#hostnames[@]} ]]; then if [ "$choice" -eq "${#hostnames[@]}" ]; then echo "Enter custom hostname: " read new_hostname if [[ -n "$new_hostname" ]]; then break else echo "Invalid hostname. Please try again." fi else new_hostname=${hostnames[$((choice-1))]} break fi else echo "Invalid selection. Please try again." fi done if sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "$new_hostname"; then echo "Hostname was successfully changed to $new_hostname." status[0]="Done" else echo "Failed to change the hostname." status[0]="Failed" fi } # Function to configure /etc/hosts configure_hosts() { echo "Configuring /etc/hosts..." # Check and add localhost if not present > /etc/hosts echo " localhost" >> /etc/hosts echo "$(hostname -i) $(hostname -f) $(hostname -s)" >> /etc/hosts echo "/etc/hosts has been updated as follows:"\ echo -en '\n' cat /etc/hosts echo -en '\n' status[1]="Done" } # Function to set the timezone set_timezone() { # Retrieve and display available timezones echo "Available Timezones:" timedatectl list-timezones # Prompt the user for their preferred timezone echo "Enter your preferred timezone (e.g., Asia/Dhaka):" while read user_timezone; do # Check if the entered timezone is valid by looking for it in the list of timezones if timedatectl list-timezones | grep -qx "$user_timezone"; then # If valid, set the timezone echo "Setting timezone to $user_timezone..." if sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$user_timezone"; then echo "Timezone has been set to $user_timezone." status[2]="Done" break else echo "Failed to set the timezone to $user_timezone." status[2]="Failed" break fi else # If the entered timezone is not valid, prompt the user again echo "Invalid timezone: $user_timezone. Please enter a valid timezone:" fi done } # Function to add Zextras repository add_zextras_repo() { # Check and remove the zextras.list file if it exists if [ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/zextras.list" ]; then echo "Existing Zextras repository configuration found. Removing..." sudo rm "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/zextras.list" fi echo "Select the type of Zextras repository to add:" echo "1. Public" read repo_choice # Detect OS Version . /etc/os-release OS_VERSION=$VERSION_CODENAME case $repo_choice in 1) echo "Adding Public Zextras repository..." if [[ "$OS_VERSION" == "focal" ]]; then wget -c https://repo.zextras.io/inst_repo_ubuntu.sh && bash inst_repo_ubuntu.sh echo "Public Zextras repository added for Ubuntu 20 (Focal)." elif [[ "$OS_VERSION" == "jammy" ]]; then echo "Warning: The public repository for Ubuntu 22 (Jammy) is under construction." else echo "Warning: Unsupported Ubuntu version ($OS_VERSION) for the Public repository." fi ;; esac status[3]="Done" } # Function to clean, update, and upgrade APT repositories manage_apt_repos() { echo "Cleaning APT repositories..." if sudo apt clean all; then echo "APT repositories cleaned successfully." else echo "Failed to clean APT repositories." status[4]="Failed" return fi echo "Updating APT repositories..." if sudo apt update; then echo "APT repositories updated successfully." else echo "Failed to update APT repositories." status[4]="Failed" return fi echo "Upgrading APT packages..." if sudo apt upgrade -y; then echo "APT packages upgraded successfully." status[4]="Done" else echo "Failed to upgrade APT packages." status[4]="Failed" return fi echo "APT repositories have been managed." } # Function to install PostgreSQL DB install_postgresql_db() { echo "Select the PostgreSQL version to install:" echo "12. postgresql-12" echo "16. postgreSQL-16" read pgsql_version_choice case $pgsql_version_choice in 12|16) local pgsql_version="postgresql-${pgsql_version_choice}" echo "Installing ${pgsql_version}..." sudo sh -c "echo 'deb https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list" if wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -; then echo "PostgreSQL repository key added successfully." else echo "Failed to add PostgreSQL repository key." status[5]="Failed" return fi if sudo apt update; then echo "Package lists updated successfully." else echo "Failed to update package lists." status[5]="Failed" return fi if sudo apt -y install "${pgsql_version}"; then echo "${pgsql_version} installed successfully." status[5]="Done" else echo "Failed to install ${pgsql_version}." status[5]="Failed" return fi ;; *) echo "Invalid selection. Returning to main menu." status[5]="Failed" ;; esac } # Function to add or update PostgreSQL role and database add_postgresql_role_and_db() { echo "Adding PostgreSQL role and database..." read -s -p "Password for carbonio_adm role: " DB_ADM_PWD echo # Move to a new line for cleaner output # Creating the PostgreSQL role if sudo su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE ROLE carbonio_adm WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '${DB_ADM_PWD}';\""; then echo "PostgreSQL role 'carbonio_adm' created successfully." else echo "Failed to create PostgreSQL role 'carbonio_adm'." status[6]="Failed" return fi # Creating the PostgreSQL database if sudo su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE DATABASE carbonio_adm OWNER carbonio_adm;\""; then echo "PostgreSQL database 'carbonio_adm' created successfully." else echo "Failed to create PostgreSQL database 'carbonio_adm'." status[6]="Failed" return fi # Restarting the PostgreSQL service if sudo systemctl restart postgresql; then echo "PostgreSQL service restarted successfully." status[6]="Done" else echo "Failed to restart PostgreSQL service." status[6]="Failed" return fi echo "PostgreSQL role and database added and service restarted." } # Function to install Carbonio CE packages install_carbonio_ce_packages() { echo "Installing Carbonio CE packages..." # Define all packages in an array for easier management packages=( service-discover-server carbonio-directory-server carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-files-public-folder-ui carbonio-user-management carbonio-mta carbonio-appserver carbonio-storages-ce carbonio-files-ce carbonio-preview-ce carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-tasks-ce carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus ) # Attempt to install each package individually for pkg in "${packages[@]}"; do if ! sudo apt install "$pkg" -y; then echo "Failed to install $pkg. Halting installation process." status[7]="Failed" return fi done echo "All Carbonio CE packages installed successfully." echo "Listing installed Carbonio CE packages and their versions:" for pkg in "${packages[@]}"; do dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' "$pkg" done | sort status[7]="Done" } # Function to configure Carbonio CE Bootstrap configure_carbonio_ce_bootstrap() { echo "Configuring Carbonio CE Bootstrap..." if sudo carbonio-bootstrap; then echo "Carbonio CE Bootstrap configuration completed." status[8]="Done" else echo "Failed to configure Carbonio CE Bootstrap." status[8]="Failed" fi } # Function to configure Service Discovery configure_service_discovery() { echo "About to configure Service Discovery. Do you want to proceed? (yes/no)" read -p "Enter your choice: " user_choice case $user_choice in [Yy]* ) echo "Configuring Service Discovery..." if sudo service-discover setup-wizard; then echo "Service Discovery configuration completed." status[9]="Done" else echo "Failed to configure Service Discovery." status[9]="Failed" fi ;; [Nn]* ) echo "Service Discovery configuration aborted by the user." status[9]="Aborted" ;; * ) echo "Invalid input. Please answer yes or no." ;; esac } # Function to configure Pending Setups configure_pending_setups() { echo "Configuring pending setups..." if sudo pending-setups -a; then echo "Pending setups configuration completed." status[10]="Done" else echo "Failed to configure pending setups." status[10]="Failed" fi } # Function to bootstrap files and tasks DB bootstrap_files_and_tasks_db() { if [ -z "$DB_ADM_PWD" ]; then read -s -p "Enter password for carbonio_adm PostgreSQL role: " DB_ADM_PWD echo # Move to a new line for cleaner output fi echo "Bootstrapping Files database..." if PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Files database bootstrapped successfully." else echo "Failed to bootstrap Files database." status[11]="Failed" return fi echo "Bootstrapping Tasks database..." if PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-tasks-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Tasks database bootstrapped successfully." status[11]="Done" else echo "Failed to bootstrap Tasks database." status[11]="Failed" return fi } # Function to configure Pending Setups install_carbonio_message_dispatcher_db() { if [ -z "$DB_ADM_PWD" ]; then read -s -p "Enter password for carbonio_adm PostgreSQL role: " DB_ADM_PWD echo # Move to a new line for better readability fi echo "Installing Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB..." if ! sudo apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher-db -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB." status[12]="Failed" return fi echo "Running pending setups..." if ! sudo pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to run pending setups." status[12]="Failed" return fi echo "Bootstrapping Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB..." if ! PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Failed to bootstrap Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB." status[12]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB package version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-message-dispatcher-db | sort status[12]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio Message Dispatcher install_carbonio_message_dispatcher() { echo "Installing Carbonio Message Dispatcher..." if ! apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Message Dispatcher." status[13]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio Message Dispatcher." status[13]="Failed" return fi if ! PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 20000; then echo "Failed to run Carbonio Message Dispatcher migration." status[13]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Message Dispatcher package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-message-dispatcher | sort status[13]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio Message Broker install_carbonio_message_broker() { echo "Installing Carbonio Message Broker..." if ! apt install carbonio-message-broker -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Message Broker." status[14]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio Message Broker." status[14]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Message Broker package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-message-broker | sort status[14]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio WS Collaboration DB install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_db() { echo "Installing Carbonio WS Collaboration DB..." if ! apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-db -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio WS Collaboration DB." status[15]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio WS Collaboration DB." status[15]="Failed" return fi if ! PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-ws-collaboration-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Failed to bootstrap Carbonio WS Collaboration DB." status[15]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio WS Collaboration DB package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-ws-collaboration-db | sort status[15]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio WS Collaboration CE install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ce() { echo "Installing Carbonio WS Collaboration CE..." if ! apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio WS Collaboration CE." status[16]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio WS Collaboration CE." status[16]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio WS Collaboration CE package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce | sort status[16]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio Video Server CE install_carbonio_video_server_ce() { echo "Installing Carbonio Video Server CE..." if ! apt install carbonio-videoserver-ce -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Video Server CE." status[17]="Failed" return fi if ! sudo pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio Video Server CE." status[17]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Video Server CE package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-videoserver-ce | sort status[17]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio WS Collaboration UI install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ui() { echo "Installing Carbonio WS Collaboration UI..." if ! apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio WS Collaboration UI." status[18]="Failed" return fi echo "Enabling Carbonio WS Collaboration features..." if ! su - zextras -c "carbonio prov mc default carbonioFeatureChatsEnabled TRUE"; then echo "Failed to enable Carbonio WS Collaboration features." status[18]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio WS Collaboration UI package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui | sort status[18]="Done" } # Function to Change Admin User Password change_admin_user_password() { echo "Changing admin user password..." read -s -p "Enter new admin password: " ADMIN_PWD echo # Move to a new line for clean output if su - zextras -c "carbonio prov sp zextras@$(hostname -d) $ADMIN_PWD"; then echo "Admin user password changed successfully." status[19]="Done" else echo "Failed to change admin user password." status[19]="Failed" fi } # Function to Interactive Create Test Users interactive_create_test_users() { echo "Enter the number of users you want to create: " read num_users for ((i=1; i<=num_users; i++)); do echo "Enter username for user $i: " read username echo "Enter password for $username: " read -s password if su - zextras -c "carbonio prov ca $username@$(hostname -d) $password displayName $username"; then echo "User $username created successfully." else echo "Failed to create user $username." status[20]="Failed" return fi done status[20]="Done" } # Function to Modify MTA for Trusted Network modify_mta_for_trusted_network() { echo "Modifying MTA for Trusted Network..." if su - zextras -c "carbonio prov ms $(hostname -f) zimbraMtaMyNetworks ' $(hostname -i)/32'" && su - zextras -c "zmmtactl restart"; then echo "MTA configuration updated and service restarted successfully." status[21]="Done" else echo "Failed to update MTA configuration or restart the service." status[21]="Failed" fi } # Function to Restart Carbonio Services restart_carbonio_services() { echo "Restarting Carbonio Services..." if su - zextras -c "zmcontrol restart"; then echo "Carbonio services restarted successfully." status[22]="Done" else echo "Failed to restart Carbonio services." status[22]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Carbonio CE Service Status check_carbonio_ce_service_status() { echo "Checking Carbonio CE Service Version..." if ! su - zextras -c "zmcontrol -v"; then echo "Failed to check Carbonio CE service version." status[23]="Failed" return fi echo "Checking Carbonio CE Service Status..." if su - zextras -c "zmcontrol status"; then echo "Carbonio CE service status check completed successfully." status[23]="Done" else echo "Failed to check Carbonio CE service status." status[23]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Consul Status check_consul_status() { echo "Checking Consul Status..." if consul members; then echo "Consul status check completed successfully." status[24]="Done" else echo "Failed to check Consul status." status[24]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Carbonio CE System Unit Status check_carbonio_ce_system_unit_status() { echo "Checking Carbonio CE System Unit Status..." if systemctl list-units carbonio*; then echo "Carbonio CE system unit status check completed successfully." status[25]="Done" else echo "Failed to check Carbonio CE system unit status." status[25]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Consul Service Status via HTTP API check_consul_service_status_http_api() { echo "Checking Consul Service Status via HTTP API..." if curl_output=$(curl -s -v; then echo "$curl_output" | jq echo "Consul service status check via HTTP API completed." status[26]="Done" else echo "Failed to retrieve Consul service status via HTTP API." status[26]="Failed" fi } # System Reboot and advisory reboot_system_now() { echo "Advisory for System Administrators:" echo "After rebooting the system, consider restarting the following Carbonio services to apply any recent changes:" echo " - zmcontrol restart" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-tasks" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver.service" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-message-broker.service" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration" echo "Use the appropriate command to restart each service." read -p "Press Enter to proceed with system reboot or CTRL+C to cancel..." echo "Proceeding with system reboot..." sudo reboot now } # Main loop while true; do display_menu echo "Select an activity by number (or type 'Quit' to exit):" read choice case $choice in 1) set_hostname ;; 2) configure_hosts ;; 3) set_timezone ;; 4) add_zextras_repo ;; 5) manage_apt_repos ;; 6) install_postgresql_db ;; 7) add_postgresql_role_and_db ;; 8) install_carbonio_ce_packages ;; 9) configure_carbonio_ce_bootstrap ;; 10) configure_service_discovery ;; 11) configure_pending_setups ;; 12) bootstrap_files_and_tasks_db ;; 13) install_carbonio_message_dispatcher_db ;; 14) install_carbonio_message_dispatcher ;; 15) install_carbonio_message_broker ;; 16) install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_db ;; 17) install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ce ;; 18) install_carbonio_video_server_ce ;; 19) install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ui ;; 20) change_admin_user_password ;; 21) interactive_create_test_users ;; 22) modify_mta_for_trusted_network ;; 23) restart_carbonio_services ;; 24) check_carbonio_ce_service_status ;; 25) check_consul_status ;; 26) check_carbonio_ce_system_unit_status ;; 27) check_consul_service_status_http_api ;; 28) reboot_system_now ;; 29|"Quit") echo "Exiting..." break ;; *) echo "Invalid option. Please enter a number from the list." ;; esac done
Note: If you found error during "PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 20000" and "
curl -s -v", just wait few minutes and execute these again. In addition, you can restart service-discover and postgresql service.
But most of let's play with it. 😊
Hi Guys,
I have prepared a draft of the deployment of Carbonio CE 23.12.0 workstream collaboration in step by step format. BTW all the information is available in the documentation (docs.zextras.com); I just summed it up for you.
For Ubuntu 20.04LTS - Single Server
Simplified version of steps:
[Always check with official documentation for updated information]
*** A surprise lurks within the post. 😊
1. Preparing the server
[Add Zextras repository using this link ( https://zextras.com/carbonio-community-edition#discoverproduct ) and form ]Set hostname
Set hosts
Set time-zone reboot2. Configure PostgreSQL
apt install postgresql-12 -y read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE ROLE carbonio_adm WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER encrypted password '$DB_ADM_PWD';\"" su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE DATABASE carbonio_adm owner carbonio_adm;\"" systemctl restart postgresql[Check this link - https://docs.zextras.com/carbonio-ce/html/install/scenarios/single-server-scenario.html#preliminary-task ]
3. Install Carbonio CE Packages:
apt install service-discover-server \ carbonio-directory-server \ carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db \ carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db \ carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui \ carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-files-public-folder-ui \ carbonio-user-management carbonio-mta \ carbonio-appserver carbonio-storages-ce \ carbonio-files-ce carbonio-preview-ce \ carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-tasks-ce \ carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus -y4. Mandatory steps:
carbonio-bootstrap service-discover setup-wizard pending-setups -a5. Bootstrapping installed Files and Tasks DB
PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-tasks-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm Collaboration Packages Setup:
6. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-message-dispatcher-db)
[Save the same DB value once more] read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher-db -y pending-setups -a PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-message-dispatcher)
[Save the same DB value once more] read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher -y pending-setups -a PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 200008. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-message-broker)
apt install carbonio-message-broker -y pending-setups -a9. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-ws-collaboration-db)
apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-db -y pending-setups -a PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-ws-collaboration-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm you can remove the value set in the variable as DB password:
unset DB_ADM_PWD10. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce)
apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce -y pending-setups -a11. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-videoserver-ce)
apt install carbonio-videoserver-ce -y pending-setups -a12. Install workstream collaboration package (carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui)
apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui -y su - zextras -c "carbonio prov mc default carbonioFeatureChatsEnabled TRUE"13. Change the password of the admin user:
14. Restart Services:
systemctl enable carbonio-tasks systemctl restart carbonio-tasks systemctl enable carbonio-videoserver systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver systemctl restart carbonio-prometheus-nginx-exporter.service su - zextras -c "zmcontrol restart"15. Check status of services:
su - zextras -c "zmcontrol -v" su - zextras -c "zmcontrol status" systemctl list-units carbonio*16. Additional recommendation: (Modify MTA Trusted Network)
su - zextras -c "carbonio prov ms $(hostname -f) zimbraMtaMyNetworks ' $(hostname -i)/32'" su - zextras -c "zmmtactl restart"17. Restart the server and restart mentioned services as per the order shown below:
reboot now systemctl restart carbonio-tasks systemctl restart carbonio-message-broker systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration systemctl restart carbonio-prometheus-nginx-exporter.service
A reference video link:
Fresh Installation of Carbonio CE 23.12.0 Workstream Collaboration
A Bash Script to automate the installation: 😎
Feel free modify it and play around with it.
#!/bin/bash # Define ANSI color codes for colored output RED='\033[0;31m' # Failed - Red GREEN='\033[0;32m' # Done - Green YELLOW='\033[0;33m' # Pending - Yellow LIGHT_GRAY='\033[0;37m' # Next - Light Gray (off-white) NC='\033[0m' # No Color - Reset # Define a list of activities activities=("Set hostname" "Configure /etc/hosts" "Set Timezone" "Add Zextras Repository" "Manage APT Repositories" "Install PostgreSQL DB" "Add PostgreSQL Role and Database" "Install Carbonio CE Packages" "Configure Carbonio CE Bootstrap" "Configure Service Discovery" "Configure Pending Setups" "Bootstrap Files and Tasks DB" "Install Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB" "Install Carbonio Message Dispatcher" "Install Carbonio Message Broker" "Install Carbonio WS Collaboration DB" "Install Carbonio WS Collaboration CE" "Install Carbonio Video Server CE" "Install Carbonio WS Collaboration UI" "Change Admin User Password" "Interactive Create Test Users" "Modify MTA for Trusted Network" "Restart Carbonio Services" "Check Carbonio CE Service Status" "Check Consul Status" "Check Carbonio CE System Unit Status" "Check Consul Service Status via HTTP API" "Reboot System Now" "Quit") status=("Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending" "Pending") # List of predefined hostnames hostnames=("mail.zextras.xyz" "mail.latestserver.xyz" "mail.sampleserver.xyz" "mail.oldserver.xyz" "mail.sampleservers.xyz" "mail.corporatemailbox.xyz" "mail.enterprisemailpro.xyz" "Enter custom hostname") display_menu() { echo "Available Tasks:" printf "%-3s | %-50s | %-10s\n" "No" "Task" "Status" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" local next_task_set=false for i in "${!activities[@]}"; do case "${status[$i]}" in "Done") color=$GREEN ;; "Failed") color=$RED ;; "Pending") if [ "$next_task_set" = false ]; then color=$LIGHT_GRAY status[$i]="Next" next_task_set=true # Display the "Next" task in a box echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" printf "| %-3d | %-50s | ${color}%-10s${NC} |\n" $((i+1)) "${activities[$i]}" "Next" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" continue # Skip the regular print for this task else color=$YELLOW fi ;; *) color=$NC ;; esac printf "%-3d | %-50s | ${color}%-10s${NC}\n" $((i+1)) "${activities[$i]}" "${status[$i]}" done echo # Add an empty line for better readability } # Function to set the hostname set_hostname() { echo "Select a hostname from the list or enter a custom one:" for i in "${!hostnames[@]}"; do printf "%d. %s\n" $((i+1)) "${hostnames[$i]}" done local choice local new_hostname while true; do read -p "Enter your choice (1-${#hostnames[@]}): " choice if [[ $choice -ge 1 && $choice -le ${#hostnames[@]} ]]; then if [ "$choice" -eq "${#hostnames[@]}" ]; then echo "Enter custom hostname: " read new_hostname if [[ -n "$new_hostname" ]]; then break else echo "Invalid hostname. Please try again." fi else new_hostname=${hostnames[$((choice-1))]} break fi else echo "Invalid selection. Please try again." fi done if sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "$new_hostname"; then echo "Hostname was successfully changed to $new_hostname." status[0]="Done" else echo "Failed to change the hostname." status[0]="Failed" fi } # Function to configure /etc/hosts configure_hosts() { echo "Configuring /etc/hosts..." # Check and add localhost if not present > /etc/hosts echo " localhost" >> /etc/hosts echo "$(hostname -i) $(hostname -f) $(hostname -s)" >> /etc/hosts echo "/etc/hosts has been updated as follows:"\ echo -en '\n' cat /etc/hosts echo -en '\n' status[1]="Done" } # Function to set the timezone set_timezone() { # Retrieve and display available timezones echo "Available Timezones:" timedatectl list-timezones # Prompt the user for their preferred timezone echo "Enter your preferred timezone (e.g., Asia/Dhaka):" while read user_timezone; do # Check if the entered timezone is valid by looking for it in the list of timezones if timedatectl list-timezones | grep -qx "$user_timezone"; then # If valid, set the timezone echo "Setting timezone to $user_timezone..." if sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$user_timezone"; then echo "Timezone has been set to $user_timezone." status[2]="Done" break else echo "Failed to set the timezone to $user_timezone." status[2]="Failed" break fi else # If the entered timezone is not valid, prompt the user again echo "Invalid timezone: $user_timezone. Please enter a valid timezone:" fi done } # Function to add Zextras repository add_zextras_repo() { # Check and remove the zextras.list file if it exists if [ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/zextras.list" ]; then echo "Existing Zextras repository configuration found. Removing..." sudo rm "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/zextras.list" fi echo "Select the type of Zextras repository to add:" echo "1. Public" read repo_choice # Detect OS Version . /etc/os-release OS_VERSION=$VERSION_CODENAME case $repo_choice in 1) echo "Adding Public Zextras repository..." if [[ "$OS_VERSION" == "focal" ]]; then wget -c https://repo.zextras.io/inst_repo_ubuntu.sh && bash inst_repo_ubuntu.sh echo "Public Zextras repository added for Ubuntu 20 (Focal)." elif [[ "$OS_VERSION" == "jammy" ]]; then echo "Warning: The public repository for Ubuntu 22 (Jammy) is under construction." else echo "Warning: Unsupported Ubuntu version ($OS_VERSION) for the Public repository." fi ;; esac status[3]="Done" } # Function to clean, update, and upgrade APT repositories manage_apt_repos() { echo "Cleaning APT repositories..." if sudo apt clean all; then echo "APT repositories cleaned successfully." else echo "Failed to clean APT repositories." status[4]="Failed" return fi echo "Updating APT repositories..." if sudo apt update; then echo "APT repositories updated successfully." else echo "Failed to update APT repositories." status[4]="Failed" return fi echo "Upgrading APT packages..." if sudo apt upgrade -y; then echo "APT packages upgraded successfully." status[4]="Done" else echo "Failed to upgrade APT packages." status[4]="Failed" return fi echo "APT repositories have been managed." } # Function to install PostgreSQL DB install_postgresql_db() { echo "Select the PostgreSQL version to install:" echo "12. postgresql-12" echo "16. postgreSQL-16" read pgsql_version_choice case $pgsql_version_choice in 12|16) local pgsql_version="postgresql-${pgsql_version_choice}" echo "Installing ${pgsql_version}..." sudo sh -c "echo 'deb https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list" if wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -; then echo "PostgreSQL repository key added successfully." else echo "Failed to add PostgreSQL repository key." status[5]="Failed" return fi if sudo apt update; then echo "Package lists updated successfully." else echo "Failed to update package lists." status[5]="Failed" return fi if sudo apt -y install "${pgsql_version}"; then echo "${pgsql_version} installed successfully." status[5]="Done" else echo "Failed to install ${pgsql_version}." status[5]="Failed" return fi ;; *) echo "Invalid selection. Returning to main menu." status[5]="Failed" ;; esac } # Function to add or update PostgreSQL role and database add_postgresql_role_and_db() { echo "Adding PostgreSQL role and database..." read -s -p "Password for carbonio_adm role: " DB_ADM_PWD echo # Move to a new line for cleaner output # Creating the PostgreSQL role if sudo su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE ROLE carbonio_adm WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '${DB_ADM_PWD}';\""; then echo "PostgreSQL role 'carbonio_adm' created successfully." else echo "Failed to create PostgreSQL role 'carbonio_adm'." status[6]="Failed" return fi # Creating the PostgreSQL database if sudo su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE DATABASE carbonio_adm OWNER carbonio_adm;\""; then echo "PostgreSQL database 'carbonio_adm' created successfully." else echo "Failed to create PostgreSQL database 'carbonio_adm'." status[6]="Failed" return fi # Restarting the PostgreSQL service if sudo systemctl restart postgresql; then echo "PostgreSQL service restarted successfully." status[6]="Done" else echo "Failed to restart PostgreSQL service." status[6]="Failed" return fi echo "PostgreSQL role and database added and service restarted." } # Function to install Carbonio CE packages install_carbonio_ce_packages() { echo "Installing Carbonio CE packages..." # Define all packages in an array for easier management packages=( service-discover-server carbonio-directory-server carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-files-public-folder-ui carbonio-user-management carbonio-mta carbonio-appserver carbonio-storages-ce carbonio-files-ce carbonio-preview-ce carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-tasks-ce carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus ) # Attempt to install each package individually for pkg in "${packages[@]}"; do if ! sudo apt install "$pkg" -y; then echo "Failed to install $pkg. Halting installation process." status[7]="Failed" return fi done echo "All Carbonio CE packages installed successfully." echo "Listing installed Carbonio CE packages and their versions:" for pkg in "${packages[@]}"; do dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' "$pkg" done | sort status[7]="Done" } # Function to configure Carbonio CE Bootstrap configure_carbonio_ce_bootstrap() { echo "Configuring Carbonio CE Bootstrap..." if sudo carbonio-bootstrap; then echo "Carbonio CE Bootstrap configuration completed." status[8]="Done" else echo "Failed to configure Carbonio CE Bootstrap." status[8]="Failed" fi } # Function to configure Service Discovery configure_service_discovery() { echo "About to configure Service Discovery. Do you want to proceed? (yes/no)" read -p "Enter your choice: " user_choice case $user_choice in [Yy]* ) echo "Configuring Service Discovery..." if sudo service-discover setup-wizard; then echo "Service Discovery configuration completed." status[9]="Done" else echo "Failed to configure Service Discovery." status[9]="Failed" fi ;; [Nn]* ) echo "Service Discovery configuration aborted by the user." status[9]="Aborted" ;; * ) echo "Invalid input. Please answer yes or no." ;; esac } # Function to configure Pending Setups configure_pending_setups() { echo "Configuring pending setups..." if sudo pending-setups -a; then echo "Pending setups configuration completed." status[10]="Done" else echo "Failed to configure pending setups." status[10]="Failed" fi } # Function to bootstrap files and tasks DB bootstrap_files_and_tasks_db() { if [ -z "$DB_ADM_PWD" ]; then read -s -p "Enter password for carbonio_adm PostgreSQL role: " DB_ADM_PWD echo # Move to a new line for cleaner output fi echo "Bootstrapping Files database..." if PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Files database bootstrapped successfully." else echo "Failed to bootstrap Files database." status[11]="Failed" return fi echo "Bootstrapping Tasks database..." if PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-tasks-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Tasks database bootstrapped successfully." status[11]="Done" else echo "Failed to bootstrap Tasks database." status[11]="Failed" return fi } # Function to configure Pending Setups install_carbonio_message_dispatcher_db() { if [ -z "$DB_ADM_PWD" ]; then read -s -p "Enter password for carbonio_adm PostgreSQL role: " DB_ADM_PWD echo # Move to a new line for better readability fi echo "Installing Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB..." if ! sudo apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher-db -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB." status[12]="Failed" return fi echo "Running pending setups..." if ! sudo pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to run pending setups." status[12]="Failed" return fi echo "Bootstrapping Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB..." if ! PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Failed to bootstrap Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB." status[12]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Message Dispatcher DB package version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-message-dispatcher-db | sort status[12]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio Message Dispatcher install_carbonio_message_dispatcher() { echo "Installing Carbonio Message Dispatcher..." if ! apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Message Dispatcher." status[13]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio Message Dispatcher." status[13]="Failed" return fi if ! PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 20000; then echo "Failed to run Carbonio Message Dispatcher migration." status[13]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Message Dispatcher package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-message-dispatcher | sort status[13]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio Message Broker install_carbonio_message_broker() { echo "Installing Carbonio Message Broker..." if ! apt install carbonio-message-broker -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Message Broker." status[14]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio Message Broker." status[14]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Message Broker package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-message-broker | sort status[14]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio WS Collaboration DB install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_db() { echo "Installing Carbonio WS Collaboration DB..." if ! apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-db -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio WS Collaboration DB." status[15]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio WS Collaboration DB." status[15]="Failed" return fi if ! PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-ws-collaboration-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm; then echo "Failed to bootstrap Carbonio WS Collaboration DB." status[15]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio WS Collaboration DB package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-ws-collaboration-db | sort status[15]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio WS Collaboration CE install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ce() { echo "Installing Carbonio WS Collaboration CE..." if ! apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio WS Collaboration CE." status[16]="Failed" return fi if ! pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio WS Collaboration CE." status[16]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio WS Collaboration CE package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce | sort status[16]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio Video Server CE install_carbonio_video_server_ce() { echo "Installing Carbonio Video Server CE..." if ! apt install carbonio-videoserver-ce -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio Video Server CE." status[17]="Failed" return fi if ! sudo pending-setups -a; then echo "Failed to complete pending setups after installing Carbonio Video Server CE." status[17]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio Video Server CE package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-videoserver-ce | sort status[17]="Done" } # Function to Install Carbonio WS Collaboration UI install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ui() { echo "Installing Carbonio WS Collaboration UI..." if ! apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui -y; then echo "Failed to install Carbonio WS Collaboration UI." status[18]="Failed" return fi echo "Enabling Carbonio WS Collaboration features..." if ! su - zextras -c "carbonio prov mc default carbonioFeatureChatsEnabled TRUE"; then echo "Failed to enable Carbonio WS Collaboration features." status[18]="Failed" return fi echo "Installed Carbonio WS Collaboration UI package and its version:" dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Version}\n' carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui | sort status[18]="Done" } # Function to Change Admin User Password change_admin_user_password() { echo "Changing admin user password..." read -s -p "Enter new admin password: " ADMIN_PWD echo # Move to a new line for clean output if su - zextras -c "carbonio prov sp zextras@$(hostname -d) $ADMIN_PWD"; then echo "Admin user password changed successfully." status[19]="Done" else echo "Failed to change admin user password." status[19]="Failed" fi } # Function to Interactive Create Test Users interactive_create_test_users() { echo "Enter the number of users you want to create: " read num_users for ((i=1; i<=num_users; i++)); do echo "Enter username for user $i: " read username echo "Enter password for $username: " read -s password if su - zextras -c "carbonio prov ca $username@$(hostname -d) $password displayName $username"; then echo "User $username created successfully." else echo "Failed to create user $username." status[20]="Failed" return fi done status[20]="Done" } # Function to Modify MTA for Trusted Network modify_mta_for_trusted_network() { echo "Modifying MTA for Trusted Network..." if su - zextras -c "carbonio prov ms $(hostname -f) zimbraMtaMyNetworks ' $(hostname -i)/32'" && su - zextras -c "zmmtactl restart"; then echo "MTA configuration updated and service restarted successfully." status[21]="Done" else echo "Failed to update MTA configuration or restart the service." status[21]="Failed" fi } # Function to Restart Carbonio Services restart_carbonio_services() { echo "Restarting Carbonio Services..." if su - zextras -c "zmcontrol restart"; then echo "Carbonio services restarted successfully." status[22]="Done" else echo "Failed to restart Carbonio services." status[22]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Carbonio CE Service Status check_carbonio_ce_service_status() { echo "Checking Carbonio CE Service Version..." if ! su - zextras -c "zmcontrol -v"; then echo "Failed to check Carbonio CE service version." status[23]="Failed" return fi echo "Checking Carbonio CE Service Status..." if su - zextras -c "zmcontrol status"; then echo "Carbonio CE service status check completed successfully." status[23]="Done" else echo "Failed to check Carbonio CE service status." status[23]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Consul Status check_consul_status() { echo "Checking Consul Status..." if consul members; then echo "Consul status check completed successfully." status[24]="Done" else echo "Failed to check Consul status." status[24]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Carbonio CE System Unit Status check_carbonio_ce_system_unit_status() { echo "Checking Carbonio CE System Unit Status..." if systemctl list-units carbonio*; then echo "Carbonio CE system unit status check completed successfully." status[25]="Done" else echo "Failed to check Carbonio CE system unit status." status[25]="Failed" fi } # Function to Check Consul Service Status via HTTP API check_consul_service_status_http_api() { echo "Checking Consul Service Status via HTTP API..." if curl_output=$(curl -s -v; then echo "$curl_output" | jq echo "Consul service status check via HTTP API completed." status[26]="Done" else echo "Failed to retrieve Consul service status via HTTP API." status[26]="Failed" fi } # System Reboot and advisory reboot_system_now() { echo "Advisory for System Administrators:" echo "After rebooting the system, consider restarting the following Carbonio services to apply any recent changes:" echo " - zmcontrol restart" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-tasks" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver.service" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-message-broker.service" echo " - systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration" echo "Use the appropriate command to restart each service." read -p "Press Enter to proceed with system reboot or CTRL+C to cancel..." echo "Proceeding with system reboot..." sudo reboot now } # Main loop while true; do display_menu echo "Select an activity by number (or type 'Quit' to exit):" read choice case $choice in 1) set_hostname ;; 2) configure_hosts ;; 3) set_timezone ;; 4) add_zextras_repo ;; 5) manage_apt_repos ;; 6) install_postgresql_db ;; 7) add_postgresql_role_and_db ;; 8) install_carbonio_ce_packages ;; 9) configure_carbonio_ce_bootstrap ;; 10) configure_service_discovery ;; 11) configure_pending_setups ;; 12) bootstrap_files_and_tasks_db ;; 13) install_carbonio_message_dispatcher_db ;; 14) install_carbonio_message_dispatcher ;; 15) install_carbonio_message_broker ;; 16) install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_db ;; 17) install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ce ;; 18) install_carbonio_video_server_ce ;; 19) install_carbonio_ws_collaboration_ui ;; 20) change_admin_user_password ;; 21) interactive_create_test_users ;; 22) modify_mta_for_trusted_network ;; 23) restart_carbonio_services ;; 24) check_carbonio_ce_service_status ;; 25) check_consul_status ;; 26) check_carbonio_ce_system_unit_status ;; 27) check_consul_service_status_http_api ;; 28) reboot_system_now ;; 29|"Quit") echo "Exiting..." break ;; *) echo "Invalid option. Please enter a number from the list." ;; esac done
Note: If you found error during "PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 20000", just wait few minutes and execute this again. In addition, you can restart service-discover and postgresql service.
But most of let's play with it. 😊
@sharif Good afternoon!
What can you say about Carbonio CE 24.03 and repository signing errors for Ubuntu 22?
Good Afternoon.
That's a valid concern. Thankfully, our developers are working on the script that can be used on both Ubuntu 20.04LTS and Ubuntu 22.04LTS.
Therefore I would humbly request you to wait till the release is announced.
I hope it helps.
Good Afternoon.
That's a valid concern. Thankfully, our developers are working on the script that can be used on both Ubuntu 20.04LTS and Ubuntu 22.04LTS.
Therefore I would humbly request you to wait till the release is announced.
I hope it helps.
Hello. I can't install latest Carbonio CE on Ubuntu 22.04 following both forum post and official documentation ( https://docs.zextras.com/carbonio-ce/html/install/scenarios/single-server-scenario.html )
If you follow the official documentation, you get a dependency error while installing Carbonio packages:
root@mail:/home/rwit# apt install service-discover-server carbonio-directory-server carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui carbonio-mta carbonio-mailbox-db carbonio-appserver carbonio-user-management carbonio-files-ce carbonio-files-public-folder-ui carbonio-files-db carbonio-tasks-ce carbonio-tasks-db carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-storages-ce carbonio-preview-ce carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus carbonio-message-broker carbonio-message-dispatcher carbonio-message-dispatcher-db carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce carbonio-ws-collaboration-db carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui carbonio-videoserver-ce Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package carbonio-videoserver-ce
If you skip carbonio-videoserver-ce:
root@mail:/home/rwit# apt install service-discover-server carbonio-directory-server carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui carbonio-mta carbonio-mailbox-db carbonio-appserver carbonio-user-management carbonio-files-ce carbonio-files-public-folder-ui carbonio-files-db carbonio-tasks-ce carbonio-tasks-db carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-storages-ce carbonio-preview-ce carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus carbonio-message-broker carbonio-message-dispatcher carbonio-message-dispatcher-db carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce carbonio-ws-collaboration-db carbonio-ws-collaboration-ui Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: carbonio-message-broker : Depends: carbonio-erlang but it is not installable carbonio-message-dispatcher : Depends: carbonio-erlang but it is not installable service-discover-server : Depends: envoyproxy but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
I have tried to install envoy following official doc, but it's package name is getenvoy-envoy, so dependency error still present
Same problem with manual from this post:
root@mail:/home/rwit# apt install service-discover-server carbonio-directory-server carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-files-public-folder-ui carbonio-user-management carbonio-mta carbonio-appserver carbonio-storages-ce carbonio-files-ce carbonio-preview-ce carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-tasks-ce carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus -y Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: service-discover-server : Depends: envoyproxy but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
Sorry to hear about your trouble.
Could you please check out this link and use the given script to try the installation again:
Please let us know how it goes.
@linu777 I finished minutes ago to install CE 24.3 on a vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 using the script provided in the page you linked and it worked. How are you installing packages? Try to execute apt clean && apt update before installing.
Thanks for the latest release.
I have installed 24.3.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 using the given script, and all went perfectly. Now all components are active!
Will work now on migration.
Btw (may be not the place to ask), any plans to implement backup module? I have been a long time customer of Zextras Backup utility on Zimbra OSE, and a similar plan would be so useful.
Great job again!
I have installed 24.3.0 on Almalinux 8.9.
But I cant run command complete command "service-discover setup-wizard"
ens18 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/29 Specify the binding address for service discovery: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/29 Insert the cluster credential password: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered] panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x50 pc=0x6cae0f] goroutine 1 [running]: github.com/alecthomas/kong.catch(0xc00019db80) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alecthomas/kong@v0.2.12/kong.go:365 +0x9f panic({0x80c220?, 0xbc2590?}) /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/panic.go:914 +0x21f github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3.(*Conn).nextMessageID(...) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3@v3.2.4/conn.go:282 github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3.(*Conn).doRequest(0x0, {0x9222c0, 0xc000096000}) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3@v3.2.4/request.go:26 +0x4f github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3.(*Conn).SimpleBind(0x0, 0x0?) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3@v3.2.4/bind.go:65 +0x111 github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3.(*Conn).Bind(0xc00002ac80?, {0xc00002b2e0, 0x1e}, {0xc000015f36, 0xa}) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3@v3.2.4/bind.go:104 +0x9b github.com/Zextras/service-discover/cli/lib/carbonio.connect(0xc000073440, 0xe0?) /tmp/cli/lib/carbonio/ldap.go:222 +0x1b6 github.com/Zextras/service-discover/cli/lib/carbonio.(*ldapContext).CheckServerAvailability(0xa?, 0xf8?) /tmp/cli/lib/carbonio/ldap.go:139 +0x13 github.com/Zextras/service-discover/cli/lib/command.RetrieveZimbraHostname({0x923ec0, 0xc00004a1b0}, {0x9251c0?, 0xc000073440?}) /tmp/cli/lib/command/common.go:187 +0x34 github.com/Zextras/service-discover/cli/agent/command/setup.(*Setup).setup(0xc00010d2c0, {0x927360?, 0xc00004a160}) /tmp/cli/agent/command/setup/setup.go:351 +0x14a github.com/Zextras/service-discover/cli/agent/command/setup.(*Wizard).Run(0xc00015c368, 0xc00015c2c0) /tmp/cli/agent/command/setup/wizard.go:74 +0x2a7 reflect.Value.call({0x7ffd00?, 0xc00015c368?, 0x8737e0?}, {0x874e6a, 0x4}, {0xc000012cd8, 0x1, 0x0?}) /usr/lib/go/src/reflect/value.go:596 +0xce7 reflect.Value.Call({0x7ffd00?, 0xc00015c368?, 0x7f072db36108?}, {0xc000012cd8?, 0x8737e0?, 0xc000032c10?}) /usr/lib/go/src/reflect/value.go:380 +0xb9 github.com/alecthomas/kong.callMethod({0x8748c6, 0x3}, {0x8313e0?, 0xc00015c368?, 0x3?}, {0x7ffd00?, 0xc00015c368?, 0xc00007c320?}, 0x17?) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alecthomas/kong@v0.2.12/callbacks.go:71 +0x4db github.com/alecthomas/kong.(*Context).RunNode(0xc000140180, 0xc00010b380, {0xc00019dc40, 0x1, 0xc000032ae0?}) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alecthomas/kong@v0.2.12/context.go:679 +0x845 github.com/alecthomas/kong.(*Context).Run(0xc000140180?, {0xc00019dc40?, 0xc000151c98?, 0x40?}) /root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alecthomas/kong@v0.2.12/context.go:696 +0xa5 main.main() /tmp/cli/agent/agent.go:77 +0x896
I got this error in step 3. Install Carbonio CE Packages:
root@mail:~# apt install service-discover-server \ carbonio-directory-server \ carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db \ carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db \ carbonio-proxy carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui \ carbonio-tasks-ui carbonio-files-public-folder-ui \ carbonio-user-management carbonio-mta \ carbonio-appserver carbonio-storages-ce \ carbonio-files-ce carbonio-preview-ce \ carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-tasks-ce \ carbonio-docs-editor carbonio-prometheus -y Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package service-discover-server E: Unable to locate package carbonio-directory-server E: Unable to locate package carbonio-files-db E: Unable to locate package carbonio-mailbox-db E: Unable to locate package carbonio-docs-connector-db: command not found
How should I fix it?