Glad to know that everything has been resolved.
Thank you so much for your patience and kindness in helping with the investigation.🙏
I am wishing you a good day ahead.
i have a problebm STEP 2
read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD
my system writ me
root@mail:/home/adm1# read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD
Password:root@mail:/home/adm1# adm
Command 'adm' not found, did you mean:
What write?
Hello, I'm also having issue with this.
I sucessfully ran:
apt install carbonio-message-dispatcher -y pending-setups -a PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 20000
however the service does not start:
carbonio-message-dispatcher.service loaded activating
carbonio-tasks.service loaded activating
I have rerun - no erros:
PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 20000
yet if I try to run
pending setups -a
then it fails saying that:
Carbonio Message Dispatcher database password not found. carbonio-message-dispatcher-db
Please install carbonio-message-dispatcher-db and run carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap command.
please advise