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[Solved] Upgrade Carbonio CE to 24.7 problem

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pending-setups fails for 6 pending setups, e.g. the one below. Same errror for all 6 pendings.
Any suggestions for fixing "Error determining policy ID: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused"?
Thank you for any ideas.

/ Harald

root@mail:~# pending-setups
Insert the cluster credential password:

You have 6 pending setups to run
0) carbonio-ws-collaboration.sh
1) carbonio-mailbox-admin.sh
2) carbonio-storages-setup.sh
3) carbonio-preview.sh
4) carbonio-tasks-db-setup.sh
5) carbonio-message-broker.sh

a) execute all
q) quit

Please input your selection:
> 5

Executing /etc/zextras/pending-setups.d/carbonio-message-broker.sh
Insert the cluster credential password:
Error determining policy ID: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Setup failed: Cannot update policy for carbonio-message-broker-policy
Setup script failed, keeping it

Joined: 1 year ago
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It seams, that rabbitmq and mongooseim have problems starting.

Continous restart attemps in syslog - hov to attach 360 KB syslog extract here?

Maybe caused by a failed attempt to install grafana.

Please advice repair procedure.

Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 2

@hvillemoes I am also desperately waiting for a solution to get the server up and running again

Joined: 8 months ago
Posts: 21

After the update to 24.7.1 it now works without problems for me. mongooseim still throws errors about a pool that's not started, but chat has never worked here, so I guess that's ok.

hvillemoes reacted
Joined: 1 year ago
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24.7.1 helped for me too.

Now startup does not take 15 minutes with 100% load

