Joined: 01/02/2024 18:07
Last seen: 07/25/2024 15:41
Topics: 3 / Replies: 15
RE: rabbitmq-server crypto issue after upgrade to 24.7

Same problem here. The same problem also shows for mongooseim. The only thing that doesn't work seems to be chat which nobody uses here, but still, ...

2 days ago
RE: Keyboard shortcuts and opening next email automatically

Just saw that in the new version, it is now possible to choose the from address from the personas created. Very nice, thanks! Also, it's possible to...

6 months ago
RE: Carbonio Community Edition - New Release

My update went smoothly, too. đź‘Ť Thanks for the good work!

6 months ago
RE: Keyboard shortcuts and opening next email automatically

P.S.: I forgot a feature that is very important to me: I can't set a From address when sending emails.

6 months ago
RE: HELP! I don't receive emails anymore

Hm, I think I may have accidently hit what is called "Keine lokale Kopie der Nachrichten speichern" (roughly "Don't save a local copy of the messages"...

6 months ago
RE: HELP! I don't receive emails anymore

Hm, zimbraPrefMailLocalDeliveryDisabled was set to TRUE for my account. I set it to false, and now I'm receiving emails again. But how on earth did ...

6 months ago
RE: HELP! I don't receive emails anymore

I found this in mailbox.log: 2024-01-21 17:56:43,530 INFO [LmtpServer-1] [name=xxx@xxx.net;mid=6;ip=123.456.789.123;] lmtp - accepted and discarded...

6 months ago
Replies: 4
Views: 340
RE: Migration Process of Carbonio Community Edition

Correction: It seems that contacts that were duplicated in multiple imports were those that had no email address, it has nothing to do with iOS or o...

6 months ago
RE: Migration Process of Carbonio Community Edition

Here's a list of stuff I learned on the way that might be helpful to others who do the migration: Stuff that will not be migrated: Mail aliases....

6 months ago
RE: Migration Process of Carbonio Community Edition

As I can't edit anymore above, a new post: With ?fmt=zip, &meta=1 must be added, because otherwise the metadata is left out and it's impossible ...

6 months ago
RE: Migration Process of Carbonio Community Edition

Just a heads up for everybody who is trying that, too: I had the problem that mails were missing. That happened for every user, sometimes many (like...

6 months ago
RE: Migration Process of Carbonio Community Edition

@anahuac Thanks for your very valuable input! I started out using the “official” script method for migration but found that it doesn’t move quite s...

6 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

Ah, sorry, it was my problem, I had two misunderstandings in the documentation: First, I didn't realize that the prov gacf command was a global sett...

6 months ago
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