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[Sticky] Welcome to Feedback section

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Hi and welcome to Feedbacks for Zextras section of this forum. Here we are going to collect all of your feedbacks related to our products. 

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Mike82

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sogoslotvvip reacted
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Hello dear friend,

We are old users of zimbra mail software. We are currently using Zimbra version 8.7.0_GA_1659. We decided to upgrade it to Zimbra 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS_20221203. That's what we did a few days ago, we downloaded and installed Zimbra 9 by Zextras on a single VM to try and test the new features of Zimbra. We would like to ask you a few questions. Is this version of Zimbra also open source and free to use even after the 30 day trial period is over. What are the new features and capabilities of Zimbra 9 compared to the earlier version Zimbra 8.7.0_GA_1659 that we are currently using in the company.

Best regards,


Estimable Member Admin
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Hello @dzoni68,

I will try to answer your questions one by one.

Posted by: @dzoni68

Is this version of Zimbra also open source and free to use

Yes, it is. As you might know, the current build of Zimbra 9 OSE is based solely on open-source codes provided by Zimbra, and there have been no alterations made to the software.

Posted by: @dzoni68

What are the new features and capabilities of Zimbra 9 compared to the earlier version Zimbra 8.7.0_GA_1659

Once more, as this build is based on Zimbra 9 OSE codes, any announcements made by Zimbra on their platforms remain valid such as

You may also find this thread helpful:


I also suggest writing on this forum which boasts a large community of users who may be able to offer valuable assistance


Best regards,



This post was modified 2 years ago by Arman Khosravi

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Hi Team,

By any chance in future OSE will be moved to paid version and also want to know if any paid version developed/available. Thanks

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By any chance in future OSE will be moved to paid version and also want to know if any paid version developed/available. Thanks

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Thank you for sharing this information. and appreciate you to your manners to discuss with this topic. 
