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Zextras - Team 1 to 1 Chat

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Hi all.

We are using 3.1.6 version of Zextras Suite.

Regarding to the 1-to-1 Chat Team it would be great to be available of deleting history of conversations by a simple click.

If you have any plans to release the function soon thanks to let us know.



Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 18

Hi Franck,

thanks for the feedback and I'm happy to confirm you that in some weeks we're going to release this feature.

We'll keep you updated here in the forum in the "Official News and Announcements".

In the Zextras World section we'll publish the release notes, too.



This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by stfr

Joined: 4 years ago
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Good morning all.

Thanks for the good news. The "right to erasure" is a pillar of the GDPR ! Do you have a release date scheduled so far ? FYI I have already consulted the roadmap.

In the meantine the workaround found is to create spaces...

Thank you for all the work provided. Regards.



Joined: 4 years ago
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Hi all. Good news today. v3.1.10 do the job. Clear Conversation is now available.

Thanks to all Zextras Team for this great feature

Regards, Franck

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 380
Posted by: @sitvarces

Hi all. Good news today. v3.1.10 do the job. Clear Conversation is now available.

Thanks to all Zextras Team for this great feature

Regards, Franck

Hello Franck,

It makes us extremely happy to see people find Zextras Suite valuable.

Thanks for getting in touch and for your feedback.

Best regards.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Arman Khosravi
