Zextras Suite in th...
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Zextras Suite in the future

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Will zextras keep developing and update Zextras Suite in the future?

Carbonio has been released and it is very similar to Zimbra.

I am afraid that zextras suite would be abolished or not.


You have stopped releasing zimbra9.0.0 for Ubuntu20, although officail(synacor) has released ZCS8.8.15 for Ubuntu20.

Perhaps you emphasize about developing carbonio and carbonioCE?


Please don't stop zextras suite and don't stop selling suite and team licenses.

I wish you to keep developing Zextras Suite in the future.


If these two products will be integrated, please tell me how to replace or upgrade then. 

This topic was modified 3 years ago by funifuni

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Joined: 14 years ago
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Posted by: @funifuni

Will zextras keep developing and update Zextras Suite in the future?

Carbonio has been released and it is very similar to Zimbra.

I am afraid that zextras suite would be abolished or not.


You have stopped releasing zimbra9.0.0 for Ubuntu20, although officail(synacor) has released ZCS8.8.15 for Ubuntu20.

Perhaps you emphasize about developing carbonio and carbonioCE?


Please don't stop zextras suite and don't stop selling suite and team licenses.

I wish you to keep developing Zextras Suite in the future.


If these two products will be integrated, please tell me how to replace or upgrade then. 

Hi funifuni , 

Zextras Suite is here to stay ! You have the CEO's word 😉

Carbonio and Zextras Suite are design to serve different customers therefore we are going to mantain both.





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Thank for your reply.

It was easy to understand.

I appreciate.
