Last seen: 07/19/2024 17:55
@jansko Only Synacor knows their next steps about the topic. What I can assure to you is that Zextras will maintain it's commitment towards OpenSour...
@zimusr Yes, that's a good point. Our apps are actually supporting MacOS for M1 (you can download form AppStore) and Windows11 (you can download from ...
Hy mgmailadmin Maybe some misunderstanding here. Our build supports the zimbra9 patches as patch therefore you can apply those as usual. Some patc...
Carbonio is using a variety of OpenSource components including some GPL V.2 components from Zimbra. CarbonioCE is a Free and OpenSource product an...
We are going to publish a Roadmap in the next days and a new version that includes , among many other improvements, Carbonio Files will be available o...
Hi hdevops, CarbonioCE support multi tenancy giving you the chance to handle different domains, rules etc but the Delegated Admin feature (to create...
Hi hdevops, The Mobile apps for Carbonio/CarbonioCE/Suite are free but not OpenSource because the same App is serving different products with differ...
Hi funifuni , Zextras Suite is here to stay ! You have the CEO's word 😉 Carbonio and Zextras Suite are design to serve different customers ther...
Thank you for considering putting your experience at the service of the community!
We are preparing articles and documentation about Migrations to CarbonioCE but today our main focus is to complete CarbonioCE with all the code we sti...
Hi Marwel, Fist of all, thank you for the congratulations, but I want to clarify CarbonioCE is not intended as a fork. We are creating a new syste...
Hi jasgg_it, As you probably know we are porting all those pieces directly form the Carbonio project on internal Bitbucket to Github and changing ...
Hi ccelis5215, No, CarbonioCE doesn't have a backup engine to import Zextras Suite backup. Soon we will publish some guides for migrations to Carb...
Carbonio CE and Carbonio are packages for Linux therefore once you created a Linux machine on your Hypervisor you can install the application on top o...
Hi funifuni, Yes, Japanese is one the available languages for Carbonio and CarbonioCE Yes, because of resource usage is better to have a s...