Logo Banner in Zexr...
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Logo Banner in Zexras Theme

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Plase teach me how to change logo banner.

I alway use Zextras Theme, it is very cool and I like it.

But I want to chane Logo (White character "zimbra" and blueback) to what I made originally.

I tried to change in Admin Console, and set logo URL and jump URL as I like.

Unfortunately, it applis to old theme except Zextras Theme.

Can I change freely logo in Zextras Theme? If possible, I want to change it 'Per Domain' because I have some domains.

If anyone knows how to, Please teach me, please.



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Yes I would like to know as well.  I am trialing zextras suite right now and really like the zextras theme, but can the colors of the theme be changed?  I typically use the zimbra "Lake" theme which is dark blue..

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I investigated how to change banner, both login logo and app logo(after login, top-left) 

When we use OSS edition, we must comply with arranging zimbra logo and original logo by CPAL License.

We must use two png image into one .png-file.

But, according to



Even in OSS, it seems that single original logo is used and can be worked normally.

Is it alright? or NG?

If it is NG(judging by CPAL), will ZCS suddenly stop all functions? 



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Posted by: @funifuni

I investigated how to change banner, both login logo and app logo(after login, top-left) 

When we use OSS edition, we must comply with arranging zimbra logo and original logo by CPAL License.

We must use two png image into one .png-file.

But, according to



Even in OSS, it seems that single original logo is used and can be worked normally.

Is it alright? or NG?

If it is NG(judging by CPAL), will ZCS suddenly stop all functions? 



Hi @funifuni,

We have forwarded this issue to our team as it needed more investigation. As soon as we hear from them, we will write you back.

Thank you so much for being with us.



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Posts: 396

Hi all,

The procedure should work, there might be something wrong with performing or your setup. Here is what works:

Run this command:

zmprov md {domain} zimbraSkinLogoAppBanner /skins/zextras/logos/image.format

It's better if the image is in .svg format.
The sizes of the image to use need to be 200x28 pixels to show the logo properly.

After running the command to see this change it is required to restart the mailbox with zmmailboxdctl restart.

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Hi, Arman.Thank you for your precious info.and I'm so sorry I say you thanx.

I'll try it.
