Joined: 03/21/2023 08:34
Last seen: 04/26/2023 10:16
Topics: 2 / Replies: 8
RE: Files option gives unknown error

I find this error in the logs. /var/log/carbonio/files# 11:55:39.052 [nioEventLoopGroup-3-10] ERROR c.z.c.files.netty.ExceptionsHandler - Failed...

1 year ago
RE: Files option gives unknown error

I confirm. I had the same situation after installing carbonio files.

1 year ago
Replies: 11
Views: 474
Replies: 1
Views: 594
RE: Webclient Interface Issues and Requests

In the Mozilla browser, the link from the clipboard is converted to the form: .........

1 year ago
RE: Webclient Interface Issues and Requests

@arman Yes, url insertion works, but most users are accustomed to using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V (or print screen) to insert images into emails.

1 year ago
RE: Webclient Interface Issues and Requests

Also, pasting an image from the clipboard does not work from the Google Chrome browser version 111.0.5563.65In the Mozilla 111.0 browser, images are i...

1 year ago
RE: Webclient Interface Issues and Requests

oh, I understand, images are inserted if they are copied from a file, but screenshots from the screen are not inserted

1 year ago
RE: Webclient Interface Issues and Requests

@arman In the admin panel it says version 23.3.0In the morning I did an update with a server restart, but the images are not pasted into the email bod...

1 year ago
RE: Webclient Interface Issues and Requests

Good afternoon. I installed a new Carbonio server and a question arose about pasting images from the clipboard in the web client. Is this feature not ...

1 year ago