Joined: 05/17/2023 18:53
Last seen: 10/27/2023 11:00
Topics: 2 / Replies: 3
RE: Carbonio CE Admin Panel - Manage - Accounts List pagination problem

Now I found out the following: If you type in the search bar and then delete one character, pagination appears.

7 months ago
RE: Carbonio Mail does not work

I join those who started the topic. The same problem is observed. Log piece: 023-06-20 18:03:17,464 WARN [qtp502800944-973://

10 months ago
RE: Carbonio CE Upgrade from 23.4.0 to 23.5.0. E-mail subject add *** UNCHECKED ***

Thanks for the quick response to the issue. Fixed carbonio-clamav package. It needs to be updated in the standard way. I will also write that if you...

12 months ago