Last seen: 01/01/2025 22:24
@sharif thank you. I use Zimbra for my family. For my background: I am an IT professional/manager.I am a Zextras customer and bought the suite to be...
I did retry installing the update today but this time with: mysql -e 'update zimbra.config set value = 111 where name = "db.version";' Aside from h...
I tried the update as well and mine went completely wrong.I had the same LDAP error, but installation continued. While installing zimlets, load on the...
@dvg_lab 112 here as well.Thanks for sharing your experience, glad the upgrade went well!
@dvg_lab sure, if you could let me know how to query this value?
Hi, first of all: Thanks ZEXTRAS for providing a new build! I am currently on ZEXTRAS_20231104 and what keeps me from updating is that I am not sure...
According tothis seems to be an NE-only feature. So FOSS might not be vulnerable?
This certainly looks like more than an average Cross-Site-Scripting thing... Maluda's Builds are also not available for P41 yet. Time to enter panic-m...
I am rather underwhelmed by CrowdSec. The block rules for Zimbra seem to be the same as fail2ban.It did not trigger any single event hit from the free...
Just did the update - worked without any problems. Thanks Zextras for your effort!
For backup: Before Zextras I did use Veeam Endpoint which did also trigger a pre-bash script (Basically zmcontrol stop) and a post-script (zmcontrol s...
The V10 build supply situation is too risky for me at the moment, so I will keep V9 for now. Also ZEXTRAS Suite is not available for V10, or?
Seems there is a new build available: zcs-9.0.0_ZEXTRAS_20231104.UBUNTU18_64.20231124122956Anyone tried it yet?
@kordian yet it still works in this particular case. Not saying it always works, in fact repo update broke my zimbra once in the past (glad I did a sn...