Zimbra 9 Open Sourc...
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Zimbra 9 Open Source is not updated

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Hi everyone,

When I want to update from Zextras Zimbra 9 to Lapiole, I get the following errors.


Release 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS_20221203.RHEL8_64_20221216110429 RHEL8_64 FOSS edition.

Oracle Linux Server release 8.7
NAME="Oracle Linux Server"
PRETTY_NAME="Oracle Linux Server 8.7"

Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.7 (Ootpa)
Oracle Linux Server release 8.7




Update Errors:

2023-08-21 20:01:09,715 [main] FATAL: failed to initialize LDAP client
com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapException: LDAP error: : An error occurred while attempting to connect to server localhost:389:  java.
io.IOException: An error occurred while attempting to establish a connection to server localhost:389:  java.net.ConnectExcept
ion: Connection refused
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapException.LDAP_ERROR(LdapException.java:90) ~[zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.unboundid.UBIDLdapException.mapToLdapException(UBIDLdapException.java:74) ~[zimbrastore.jar:9.0
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.unboundid.UBIDLdapException.mapToLdapException(UBIDLdapException.java:40) ~[zimbrastore.jar:9.0
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.unboundid.LdapConnectionPool.createConnPool(LdapConnectionPool.java:117) ~[zimbrastore.jar:9.0.
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.unboundid.LdapConnectionPool.createConnectionPool(LdapConnectionPool.java:63) ~[zimbrastore.jar
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.unboundid.UBIDLdapContext.init(UBIDLdapContext.java:111) ~[zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.unboundid.UBIDLdapClient.init(UBIDLdapClient.java:39) ~[zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapClient.getInstanceIfLDAPavailable(LdapClient.java:62) ~[zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapClient.getInstance(LdapClient.java:69) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapClient.initialize(LdapClient.java:94) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.LdapProv.<init>(LdapProv.java:47) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.LdapProvisioning.<init>(LdapProvisioning.java:297) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.LdapProvisioning.<init>(LdapProvisioning.java:294) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:77) [?:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) [?:?
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(Constructor.java:499) [?:?]
    at java.lang.reflect.ReflectAccess.newInstance(ReflectAccess.java:128) [?:?]
    at jdk.internal.reflect.ReflectionFactory.newInstance(ReflectionFactory.java:347) [?:?]
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:645) [?:?]
    at com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning.getInstance(Provisioning.java:354) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning.getInstance(Provisioning.java:310) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.account.ProvUtil.initProvisioning(ProvUtil.java:1032) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
    at com.zimbra.cs.account.ProvUtil.main(ProvUtil.java:4156) [zimbrastore.jar:9.0.0_GA_20230914]
Caused by: com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException: An error occurred while attempting to connect to server localhost:389:  java
.io.IOException: An error occurred while attempting to establish a connection to server localhost:389:  java.net.ConnectExcep
tion: Connection refused
Tue Sep 19 00:54:19 2023 Updating zimbraLDAPSchemaVersion to version '1649766200'
Tue Sep 19 00:54:19 2023 entering function: gcf zimbraLDAPSchemaVersion=1649766200
Tue Sep 19 00:54:19 2023 Updating cached global config attribute zimbraLDAPSchemaVersion=1649766200
Tue Sep 19 00:54:19 2023  Running as zimbra user: /opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov -r -m -l mcf  zimbraLDAPSchemaVersion '1649766200'
Tue Sep 19 00:54:20 2023 Updating global config and COS's with attributes introduced after 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS...
Tue Sep 19 00:54:20 2023  Running as zimbra user: zmjava com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.upgrade.LdapUpgrade -b 27075 -v 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS

com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.upgrade.LdapUpgrade -b 27075 -v 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS
invalid version: 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS

usage: com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.upgrade.LdapUpgrade <options> [args]
 -b,--bug <arg>    bug number this upgrade is for
 -d,--desc <arg>   describe this upgrade task
 -da,--descAll     describe all upgrade tasks
 -h,--help         print usage
 -v,--verbose      be verbose

args for bug 27075:
    {since}  (e.g. 5.0.12)

Tue Sep 19 00:54:21 2023 failed.
Tue Sep 19 00:54:21 2023 entering function: gcf zimbraVersionCheckLastResponse=
Tue Sep 19 00:54:21 2023 Updating cached global config attribute zimbraVersionCheckLastResponse=
Tue Sep 19 00:54:21 2023  Running as zimbra user: /opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov -r -m -l mcf  zimbraVersionCheckLastResponse ''
Tue Sep 19 00:54:23 2023 Stopping ldap...
Tue Sep 19 00:54:23 2023  Running as zimbra user: /opt/zimbra/bin/ldap stop
Killing slapd with pid 283892. done.
Tue Sep 19 00:54:24 2023 done.
Tue Sep 19 00:54:29 2023 Upgrade complete.

Is there a way to upgrade Zextras Zimbra 9 servers safely?


Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 61

I am using this Git repository to compile Zimbra 9: https://github.com/ianw1974/zimbra-build-scripts


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Posts: 12

@john_doe , We also tried the version, compiled from the Github link you provided, but it does not work properly either.

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Posts: 61

Maybe you should then raise your issue additional at the Zimbra forum https://forums.zimbra.org/

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Posts: 63

@aynur-yilmaz Hello Aynur, Yesterday I installed the Zextras package Ubuntu20.04. It went well apart from the Openssl error which needs the "-nomac" entry in a file.

Previously I installed package and it was mandatory to install the ldap-patch also. I don't know if this applies to your situation.

In general I am looking for a solution to periodically patch my server. First I need to migrate from v9 to v10. Also OS-update. Things are complicated and often does not work as expected. I am looking to apply Intalio or Techfiles releases. Zextras is losing focus on FOSS releases. Also Zextas suite does not work on Zimbra V10.

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Posts: 63

@arman Hi Arman, any news on the ETA for a new release?

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Posts: 380

@martinwiertz Hi, yes it's next week Monday if all tests go well.

dominix reacted
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Posts: 39

Seems there is a new build available: zcs-9.0.0_ZEXTRAS_20231104.UBUNTU18_64.20231124122956
Anyone tried it yet?

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Posts: 63

@mik Nope, I would have tried but decided to migrate to V10 FOSS.

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Posts: 39

Posted by: @martinwiertz

@mik Nope, I would have tried but decided to migrate to V10 FOSS.

The V10 build supply situation is too risky for me at the moment, so I will keep V9 for now. Also ZEXTRAS Suite is not available for V10, or?


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Posts: 63

@mik oke, I can imagine. Possibly create a test environment and try it. There are several ways available on the web.

Suite is not available on V10. The Zextras (NG) software is no longer part of Zimbra in V10.

I have always gratefully used Suite and the FOSS-builds. (thank you) Unfortunately, you can now purchase Suite per bundle of 10 licenses. Historically I need 2.... 🙂  I need to find a good backup script to V10.

Currently I create an image after changes to the machine. Periodically export mailbox via zmmailbox command. (small server)

This post was modified 8 months ago by Martin Wiertz

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 39

Posted by: @martinwiertz

Currently I create an image after changes to the machine. Periodically export mailbox via zmmailbox command. (small server)

For backup: Before Zextras I did use Veeam Endpoint which did also trigger a pre-bash script (Basically zmcontrol stop) and a post-script (zmcontrol start). This will give you a full, consistent and - depending on your machine - fast backup at the cost of downtime of your ZCS.


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Posts: 63

@mik aha, Veeam Agent for Linux free is a solution to checkout. Currently fsarchiver is sufficient.


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