Zextras Suite 3.2.0 has been released. Here are all the new and updated features.
Customers can upgrade the Zextras Suite by logging into their account on our website in an accessible self-service mode.
Groups’ Moderators
Group moderators can now promote another participant as moderators to help them manage the conversation and meetings. This can also be done in spaces and channels.
Promoted admins can moderate the created group conversations including managing text and meeting conversations and additional functionalities. The current moderator can do this via the admin panel of the Team app on the right.

If a moderator tries to leave the group while there is no other moderator, a modal is displayed to inform that the moderator cannot leave the group until they promote another participant.

Moderators can be also added via CLI by system administrators. This can be done through zxsuite team space addOwner
command. Please refer to Zextras documentation to learn more about this command.
Speaker Auto Swap
In Team video calls when the cinema mode is active the main tile is automatically switched to the person who speaks. Therefore, users don’t have to constantly switch the main tile manually.
This feature helps users to understand who is currently speaking even if they pinned another tile. The tile is automatically shifted to the speaker and ignores other passive participants. If the speaker stops talking, the main tile will be switched back after 3 seconds.

Room Cleanup
Administrators can now easily remove all the groups and instant messaging rooms including their messages if no participants left. It can be easily done via zxsuite team doRoomsCleanup
command. This command simply forces all the rooms and their messages to be removed if they have no participants. Please refer to Zextras Team CLI Commands to learn more about this command.
Calling Tone Auto Turn Off
When a user starts a call conversation the free signal tone will be stopped after several seconds so the user can continue using the app.
This is very helpful when users start a call and no the other participants join the meeting. This way the caller can continue working on other conversation without hearing the continuous tone. They can simply continue working on other conversations and wait for the participants to connect otherwise they should terminate the call to stop the tone.

Settings Preservation
Users will automatically return to their previous meeting mode including grid and cinema after the screen sharing is terminated. This also includes when two screen-sharing sessions are active, meaning that, after the terminations of a screen-share, if another one is still active the remaining one will be pinned automatically.
Import SAML Metadata
Security assertion markup language or SAML is an XML-based open-standard data format for exchanging authentication information. To activate SAML authentication, an admin should import the XML file containing the metadata to generate SAML configuration. With the new update of the Zextras suite, the administrators are able can to SAML configuration by importing SAML metadata directly from the admin API or CLI.
2FA Management for Users
Users will be able to check and manage the status of 2FA through Auth zimlet. In more detail, a user can access the Zimbra web client and open the Auth zimlet, enter the OTP tab and verify the status of the 2FA.
- If the 2FA is enabled by the system administrator for specific services at the domain or global level, users can see the services and the 2FA status and info in read-only mode
- If the 2FA is enabled by the system administrator for my COS, users can see the services and the 2FA status and info in read-only mode.
- If the 2FA is not enabled by the system administrator for my COS, users can manage their account status, by enabling or disabling the 2FA.
2FA Enforcement from All Servers
System administrators can execute 2FA enforcement through all servers in a multiserver environment.
This feature allows system administrators to enforce 2FA for an account regardless of the server in which the account was created. Therefore, zxsuite auth enforce2FA
can be executed on a different server.
Trusted Device Preservation
There is no need for users to re-insert their OTP code after each run of the database cleaner. Before this update, when the authTrustedDeviceExpiration
is set to 0
and the policy has the 2FA enabled for the device or IP, users have to insert their OTP code at the first login attempt after each clean running.
Restore Improvement
After performing a restore operation, the temporary mount point will be automatically removed. When a restore is performed, the administrators might find an empty temp folder /mountpoint-restore
, however, after this update, the restore procedure will also remove so there will be no temporary folder in the Inbox.