For additional guidance, check out our community articles detailing the process of migrating from your current platform to Carbonio CE.
For enterprise-level requirements and advanced features, consider checking out Zextras Carbonio – the all-in-one private digital workplace designed for digital sovereignty trusted by the public sector, telcos, and regulated industries.
The Zimbra 9 OSE built by Zextras, is based on Zimbra’s official repositories. In this article, you will learn more about this build, and its installation for the first time. It also covers some points on the upgrades, updates, and patches. To learn more about Zextras’s decision, please read Zextras Released Its Own Build of Zimbra 9 Open Source Edition.
First Time Installation
The installation procedure is easy and very similar to a normal Zimbra installation. For more information, you can refer to How to install Zimbra on CentOS/RHEL and How to install Zimbra on Ubuntu LTS. The first thing you should do is to get the Zimbra 9 OSE from the Zextras website by entering your email address and receiving detailed instructions. However, we try to cover it briefly here.
Zimbra 9 OSE built by Zextras is supported by Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 20, CentOS 8, CentOS 7, RHEL 8, and RHEL 7 operating systems.
These are the requirements suggested for this build of Zimbra 9 OSE:
- 16 gigabytes of RAM
- 4-core CPU or 4 vCPUs
- 10 gigabytes of free hard disk space
- FQDN, MX, and A DNS records
- Set the timezone and NTP
You should configure the domain name of the server using the sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --static
command and add A
and MX
records using dig -t A
and dig -t MX
*** For the first-time installation, you have to make sure that the mentioned services are not active and running in your system:
- Web Service (apache,apache2, etc.) that runs on port 80
- Email/MTA Service (postfix,sendmail, etc.) that runs on port 25
If you find them up and running, you have to stop & uninstall them before starting the main installation process as they conflict with the process.
Insert your e-mail address on the download page and click the “GET THE BUILD FOR FREE” button to receive an e-mail with instructions to download your corresponding Zimbra 9 OSE package.
Important: In case you are upgrading from Zimbra 9 built by Zextras, run the following command as the Zimbra user (do not run if updating from other third-party builds)
mysql -e 'update zimbra.config set value = 111 where name = "db.version";'
After downloading the Zimbra 9 OSE built by Zextras as a .tgz
- Unpack the archive as root using these commands
tar zxvf zcs-9.0.0_OSE_RHEL7_latest-zextras.tgz
| for RHEL 7tar zxvf zcs-9.0.0_OSE_RHEL8_latest-zextras.tgz
| for RHEL 8tar zxvf zcs-9.0.0_OSE_UBUNTU18_latest-zextras.tgz
| for Ubuntu 18tar zxvf zcs-9.0.0_OSE_UBUNTU20_latest-zextras.tgz
| for Ubuntu 20
- Navigate to the folder you just unpacked
cd zcs-9.0.0_OSE_RHEL7_latest-zextras
| for RHEL 7cd zcs-9.0.0_OSE_RHEL8_latest-zextras
| for RHEL 8cd zcs-9.0.0_OSE_UBUNTU18_latest-zextras
| for Ubuntu 18cd zcs-9.0.0_OSE_UBUNTU20_latest-zextras
| for Ubuntu 20
- Run the installation script by
sudo ./
command. - Follow the installation and configuration
The Zimbra 9 OSE web client will be available at
. You can access the administrator console from
Upgrade Zimbra 8.8.15 to Zimbra 9
If you already have Zimbra 8.8.15 OSE, you can easily use the Zextras build to upgrade your mail server to Zimbra 9 OSE built by Zextras. The upgrade procedure is the same as a regular Zimbra upgrade. To do so, you should download the Zimbra 9 OSE from the Zextras website by entering your email address and receiving detailed instructions.
You can also read more about upgrading Zimbra on Zimbra upgrade on CentOS/RHEL and Zimbra upgrade on Ubuntu LTS.
Updating New Patches
There is no need to upgrade this build every time Zimbra releases a new patch, as this build comes with the latest patch already included in the installer. Therefore, you only need to download the new installer from the same address we mentioned above and run the installer.
For more information on this decision, please refer to How we solved the issue of updating Zimbra 9.
The Zimbra 9 OSE built by Zextras comes with the latest patches already included in the installer. You can check the latest patch and the release date of the build on this webpage.
Nonetheless, if you are eager to experiment yourself you’ll find a quick guide below.
The Zimbra 9 OSE built by Zextras can be updated using official Zimbra patches. The update procedure is the same as a regular patch update. To update to a new patch, you should:
- Check for new patches,
- Update to patches,
- Restart Zimbra services.
For more detail, you can follow the steps below. Based on your operating system run the correct commands.
To update Zimbra 9 OSE build by Zextras to new patches using system package upgrades:
- Clear the yum cache as
usingyum clean metadata
- Check for updates so the server finds the new
packages in the patch repository usingyum check-update
- Update to available Zimbra patches using
- yum update
- Restart Zimbra services as
user:su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart
On Ubuntu
- Check for updates as
so the server finds the newzimbra-patch
packages in the patch repository usingapt-get update
- Update to available Zimbra patches using
- apt-get upgrade
- Restart Zimbra services as
user:su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart
and you’re done.
To learn more about upgrades and updates you can read Zimbra upgrade on CentOS/RHEL and Zimbra upgrade on Ubuntu LTS.
More on Zimbra 9 OSE Build by Zextras
Since Zimbra version 9 is not natively available for download, Zextras provides users with the unofficial builds of Synacor’s Zimbra 9 open-source edition under the applicable open-source licenses. The Zextras build is based on the source code provided by Synacor without any significant changes.
- The original source code provided by Synacor is publicly available on Zimbra’s GitHub page.
- The Zimbra 9 OSE built by Zextras is available on the Zextras website.

There is an error during the installation "Installing mailboxd SSL certificates....failed" There is a fix thanks to @anahuac who explained in the forum post here -> Unfortunately, even the post was published couple of months ago.. the Installation script is not fixed and I am unable to finish the install and run Zimbra 9 :(