For additional guidance, check out our community articles detailing the process of migrating from your current platform to Carbonio CE.
For enterprise-level requirements and advanced features, consider checking out Zextras Carbonio – the all-in-one private digital workplace designed for digital sovereignty trusted by the public sector, telcos, and regulated industries.
The Class of Service (COS) determines which default attributes an account has and which features are enabled or disallowed. COS controls features, mailbox quotas, message duration, password restrictions, which Zimlets and themes are available from ZWC, attachment blocking, and server pools for new account creation.
A COS is assigned to each account. You can create a domain COS and have all accounts created on this one automatically allocate this COS. You can create multiple COSs and specify which are available for a domain. If the domain does not have a COS defined, the default one is automatically assigned when an account is created.
Note: When you delete a COS, all the accounts that belongs to it are automatically assigned the default one.
Now we are going to see some zmprov CLI commands to manage COS. As usual, for every command, we will show you the extendend and short form, the syntax to be used and an example to better help you understand how it works.
Remember that all commands are intended to be executed logging in as Zimbra user, with the command: su - zimbra
Create Class of Service:
To create COS you need to use CreateCOS (cc) with the following syntax:
zmprov CreateCOS {name} [attribute1 value1 etc]
zmprov createCos SampleService zimbraAttachmentsBlocked FALSE zimbraAuthTokenLifetime 60m zimbraMailQuota 100000000 zimbraMailMessageLifetime 0
Delete Class of Service:
To delete COS you need to use DeleteCOS (dc) with the following syntax:
zmprov DeleteCOS {name|id}
zmprov DeleteCOS SampleService
Get Class of Service:
To get COS you need to use GetCOS (gc) with the following syntax:
zmprov GetCOS {name|id}
zmprov GetCOS SampleService
Get All Class of Service:
To get all COS you need to use GetAllCOS (gac) with the following syntax:
zmprov GetAllCOS [-v]
The -v attribute, stands for verbose. Verbose mode dumps full exception stack trace
Modify Class of Service:
To modify COS you need to use ModifyCOS (mc) with the following syntax:
zmprov ModifyCOS {name|id} [attribute1 value1 etc]
zmprov ModifyCOS SampleService zimbraAttachmentsBlocked TRUE
Rename Class of Service:
To rename COS you need to use RenameCOS (rc) with the following syntax:
zmprov RenameCOS {name|id} {newName}
zmprov RenameCOS SampleService NewSampleService