Zimbra CLI Commands: Logs | Zimbra

Alert! This article is written for Zimbra OSE users. As of December 2023, Synacor will no longer be providing support for Zimbra OSE. You might want to consider trying out Carbonio Community Edition – Zextras’s free and open-source email and collaboration platform.

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In this article we are going to see how to manage your Account Logs with CLI Commands using zmprov. As usual, for every command, we will show you the extendend and short form along with the syntax to be used.

Remember that all commands are intended to be executed logging in as Zimbra user, with the command: su - zimbra

Add an Account Logger:

To add an Account Logger you need to use addAccountLogger (aal) with the following syntax:

zmprov addAccountLogger [--server hostname] {user@yourdomain|id} {logging-category} {debug|info|warn|error}

This command is going to create a custom logging for a single account

Remove an Account Logger:

To remove an Account Logger you need to use removeAccountLogger (ral) with the following syntax:

zmprov removeAccountLogger [--server hostname] {user@yourdomain|id} {logging-category} 

This command deletes the custom logger created for the account specified (eg. user@yourdomain), otherwise it will remove all loggers for all the accounts from the system.

Get an Account Logger:

To get an Account Logger you need to use getAccountLogger (gal) with the following syntax:

zmprov getAccountLogger [--server hostname] {user@yourdomain|id} {logging-category} {debug|info|warn|error}

Get all Account Loggers:

To get all Account Loggers you need to use getAllAccountLoggers (gaal) with the following syntax:

zmprov getAllAccountLoggers [--server hostname]

This command shows all individual custom logger account

zmprov Log Categories

In the table below you can find a list of logging categories.

zimbra.accountAccount operations
zimbra.aclACL operations
zimbra.cacheInmemory cache operations
zimbra.calendarCalendar operations
zimbra.davDAV operations
zimbra.dbconnDatabase connection tracing
zimbra.extensionsServer extension loading
zimbra.filterMail filtering
zimbra.galGAL operations
zimbra.imapIMAP protocol operations
zimbra.indexIndex operations
zimbra.ioFilesystem operations
zimbra.ldapLDAP operations
zimbra.lmtpLMTP operations (incoming mail)
zimbra.mailboxGeneral mailbox operations
zimbra.opChanges to mailbox state
zimbra.popPOP protocol operations
zimbra.redologRedo log operations
zimbra.securitySecurity events
zimbra.sessionUser session tracking
zimbra.smtpSMTP operations (outgoing mail)
zimbra.soapSOAP protocol
zimbra.sqltraceSQL tracing
zimbra.systemStartup/shutdown and other system messages
zimbra.zimletZimlet operations
Download Zextras Suite for Zimbra OSE



very informative article, but I have one confusion. I want to read the logs created by zmpro (logs regarding to a particular email ID about a particular category etc pop, or imap), where can I find those logs. Is there any separate file for the logs created by zmpro, or the logs will be shown in the same file mailbox.log? I would be very thankful to you if you please help.

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Zimbra CLI Commands: Distribution List | Zimbra