/tmp files being cr...
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/tmp files being created 2 per min from zmconfigd with 22.3.1 CE

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Jim Dunphy
Joined: 7 years ago
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Running 18.04.6 LTS that was initially installed with 22.1.0 CE ... Today updated to 22.3.1 CE. My process was:


# su -

# apt-get update

# apt-get upgrade

# su - zextras

% zmcontrol restart


and noticed 2 tmp files being created every min. On investigation of /var/log/carbonio.log, found these type of entries:


Apr 1 06:25:06 carbonio zmconfigd[345]: File "/opt/zextras/common/lib/jylibs/state.py", line 796, in rewriteConfig for line in open(fr).readlines():
Apr 1 06:25:06 carbonio zmconfigd[345]: Rewrite failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/zextras/mailboxd/etc/zimbra.web.xml.in' ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/zextras/mailboxd/etc/zimbra.web.xml.in')

Apr 1 06:25:06 carbonio zmconfigd[345]: File "/opt/zextras/common/lib/jylibs/state.py", line 796, in rewriteConfig for line in open(fr).readlines():
Apr 1 06:25:06 carbonio zmconfigd[345]: Rewrite failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/zextras/mailboxd/etc/jetty-env.xml.in' ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/zextras/mailboxd/etc/jetty-env.xml.in')


Note: the tmp files were also being created with 22.1.0 but I never noticed. They all start with 'tmp' and then some random letters. I had over 18K tmp????? zero byte files in /tmp when I finally noticed. Oops. 😉 

Took a few guesses of what these files could be and this seems to have stopped both the errors in carbonio.log and /tmp file problem.  



# su - zextras

% cd /opt/zextras/mailboxd/etc/

% ln -s jettyrc jetty-env.xml.in

% ln -s jetty.xml.in zimbra.web.xml.in


Everything else seems to be really good with this update. 

Could someone from zextra's verify what these files should be and if my guesses are even appropriate. 



Jim Dunphy
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 25
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Don't approve this... fix will trash mailboxd as they are the wrong files ... going to test again with zero byte files 

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 33

@jdunphy please confirm this.



Por favor, confirme esto.


Jim Dunphy
Joined: 7 years ago
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@linuxcuba I stopped looking for a workaround and have a cron job removing those files every 15 mins. Nothing I tried worked without causing a complete failure and breakage. It took the admin's of this board 2 days to approve my original post so I was asking them not to approve the original post with that second post but they did both posts.  I would delete this thread if I could. 

Those tmp files are still left around with version 22.5.0 and what I am currently running but I have not updated to newer versions to know if it's still a problem. Minor annoyance at best. 




linuxcuba and linuxcuba reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 33

@jdunphy I couldn't fix it either, the update broke my carbonio ce installation, I had to proceed to uninstall everything and reinstall because it was already driving me crazy. The same thing happened to me with the approval of my comment and I had to let them know privately that so much delay and censorship was due to a simple comment on the forum, really, all this is really upsetting me, and it terrifies me more and more. Bad support that carbonio CE is having, despite having been released as a stable release. In the previous version, which I had working before upgrading, File was working fine, after upgrading and everything was broken. In the new installation now, File does not allow files to be loaded, and nothing else to enter that section. Show this error. JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data. I reported it here. In this thread without receiving any response. https://community.zextras.com/forum/carbonio-setup/json-parse-unexpected-character-at-line-1-column-1-of-the-json-data/#post-3423  

zextras@srv-mail01:~$ zmcontrol -v
Release 22.5.1 Community Edition.

😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 30

@linuxcuba we're sorry for having some of the posts being unapproved for some days. It is an automatic process to prevent spam and avoid having too out-of-topics threads mixed with Zextras' ones. For the same reasons, attachments may cause an automatic ban of your user. We periodically control the users to see if every post has been correctly approved.

If more than 2 weeks pass, please help us by not hesitating to re-post a new reply, as joob77 did here for example https://community.zextras.com/forum/zimbra-ose-9-by-zextras/downloads-unavailable-zimbra-9-open-source-build-by-zextras/#post-3489  

This will help all the contributors who works on the project to be updated and come back to check wether they still need to answer some posts.

Thank you all to follow Carbonio CE project!
