Last seen: 02/21/2025 23:46
Oh damn! that looks awesome! I'll give it a try.... ty for sharing =)
I'll strongly suggest you to go with Ubuntu 😆 ......
All I can suggest is to use to read my article about it to do certificates out from Carbonio UI. You can also reach us in Telegram:/p> Regards
You're right... the UI doesn't work for managing volumes 😠You may do it using zmvolume command as zextras user. It's pretty easy. Regards
I can say this issue is happening in all updated Carbonio CE servers. Looking closely into carboni-storages logs I found this: [2024-03-15T17:30:2...
@keita ok... I fix it so you may be able to access it now. Thank you
I figured that reload the webmail interface in the browser (F5) seems to make that "bug" go away =)
But Ubuntu 22.04 is not supported... you must use Ubuntu 20.04 =)
@klug you're mostly right.... but we can replace that self-signed certificate by a valid let's encrypt one. I wrote an article explaining that and h...
it happens every now and then... I couldn't find any reasonable explanation... it doesn't happens always though. I think it's relates to that waitin...
just replace DB_ADM_PWD and $DB_ADM_PWD for the password you're gonna use. Do it in all commands that use DB_ADM_PWD Telegram: @CarbonioMail
Did you said "container"? like a LXC or LXD container? Carbonio doesn't work in Containers.
Well... it's not complicated tbh.... Free Software doesn't come with a private and professional support integrated to it, right? Free Software gets ...
You got it right. Carbonio doesn't do SNI for IMAP/POP/SMTP protocols, meaning only the main domain can be used without getting certificates alerts on...
Well... when you need compatibility with proprietary software, specially MS ones the way to go is to buy a certified connector. In Carbonio's case it ...