Last seen: 12/01/2024 20:12
Hi, anahuac and everyone. I have a question.If you know that, please teach me. I tried to customize carbonio appearance thanks to Anahuac's great ...
Does this problem remain unfixed in 24.9.7? I wish fix as soon as possible.
I hope so. without specific operations,I want update safely only through apt. Is 24.9.1 yet?
@sharif Nice infrormation! Thank you for your reply. This is the very thing that I've wanted to know!
systemctl restart carbonio-message-dispatcher This command makes the wrong status repaired, but temporally. Once someone becomes online, o...
Thank you Mr. SuppeRabbit! I have tried two virtual machine, and I did it successfully. In zextras guide, 5 node and video server and WS colla...
postscript When I place mouse pointer on [Meeting started at]message, it shows [object Object]
Hi, Arman.Thank you for your precious info.and I'm so sorry I say you thanx. I'll try it.
I investigated how to change banner, both login logo and app logo(after login, top-left) When we use OSS edition, we must comply with arranging zim...
@mgarbo I tried Default timeoutStartSec=1200s and Default timeoutStopSec=300s but systemctl status zimbra----------failed. How settings Do you thi...
from 3.11.0, I upgraded Zextras Suite to 3.12.0 which has released yesterday. But, team apps problem above was not fixed. "The meeting start a...
Thank you for New Build of ZextrasZimbra. I tried it on clean OS environment, and it works very well.(I'm a little worried about slightly higher CPU...
@mgabo Thank you for your reply. I will try it later. In this matter, that is zimbra repository's inconsistency, I am scared that I do reboot......
Hi, @mgabo Is this command available in Zimbra too? ZCS9(by zextras) failed to start zimbra.service(LSB) timeout.
Hi, dominix , I made downgrade core and jetty and so on, me too, and started operation. In ubuntu20, 'top' command to investigate CPU and Memory usa...