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In Zimbra, you can manage accounts by creating them and adding or changing features both from the administration console and from the Command Line Tools (CLI).
In this article, in particular, we’re going to see how to manage user accounts through CLI commands, using zmprov
. For every command, we will show you the extended and short-form, the syntax to be used and an example to better help you understand how it works.
All commands are intended to be executed logging in as a Zimbra user, with the command su - zimbra
Account Provisioning Commands
Create Account
To create an account the command to use is CreateAccount
or ca
. Below is the syntax:
zmprov CreateAccount {user@yourdomain} {passwd} [attribute1 value1 etc]
zmprov CreateAccount pwd123 displayName JBrown
Delete Account
To delete an account, you have to use the following command: DeleteAccount (da). Below is the syntax:
zmprov DeleteAccount {user@yourdomain|id|adminName}
zmprov DeleteAccount
Get Account Membership
In order to get account membership, we are going to use this command: GetAccountMembership (gam). Below is the syntax:
zmprov GetAccountMembership {user@yourdomain|id}
Get Account
To get an account, you have to use the following command: GetAccount
or ga
. Below is the syntax:
zmprov GetAccount {user@yourdomain|id|adminName}
zmprov GetAccount
Get All Accounts
To get all accounts, you have to use the following command: GetAllAccounts
or gaa
. Below is the syntax:
zmprov GetAllAccounts [-v] [{yourdomain}]
zmprov GetAllAccounts -v
The -v attribute, stands for verbose. Verbose mode dumps full exception stack trace
Get All Admin Accounts
To get all admin accounts, you have to use a similar command to the above one: GetAllAdminAccounts (gaaa). Below is the syntax:
zmprov GetAllAdminAccounts
Modify Account
If you want to modify an account the command you need to use is the following one: ModifyAccount (ma). Below is the syntax:
zmprov ModifyAccount {user@yourdomain|id|adminName} [attribute1 value1 etc]
zmprov ModifyAccount zimbraAccountStatus maintenance
Rename Account
To rename an account the command to be used is RenameAccount
or ra
. Below is the syntax:
zmprov RenameAccount {user@yourdomain|id} {newusername@yourdomain}
zmprov RenameAccount
Set Password
If you want to set a password to your account, you have to use the following command: SetPassword (sp). Below is the syntax:
zmprov SetPassword {user@yourdomain|id|adminName} {passwd}
zmprov SetPassword pwd123
Account Alias
You can add or remove an alias account.
To add an account alias, the command to be used is AddAccountAlias
or aaa
, and the syntax is:
zmprov AddAccountAlias {user@yourdomain|id|adminName} {aliasname@yourdomain}
zmprov AddAccountAlias
To remove an account alias, the command to be used is RemoveAccountAlias
or raa
, and the syntax is:
zmprov RemoveAccountAlias {user@yourdomain|id|adminName} {aliasname@yourdomain}
zmprov RemoveAccountAlias
Search Accounts
You can search accounts using the following command: SearchAccounts
or sa
. Below is the syntax:
zmprov SearchAccounts [-v] {ldap-query} [limit] [offset] [sortBy {attribute}]
Set Account Class of Service
To set an account COS, all you have to do is to use the command SetAccountCOS
or sac
with the following syntax:
zmprov SetAccountCOS {user@yourdomain|id|adminName} {cos-name|cos-id}
zmprov SetAccountCOS SampleRole
Other Commands Related to Account Management
There are some other commands you can use when you manage accounts on your server. Here is a shortlist of the main categories of them. Click on the name of each one for a complete guide on specific commands: