Last seen: 12/30/2024 14:56
@jackwaskito same for me, not availlable. ----------------------------------------
Hi everyone, So to reformulate, When it will be availlable, will it be available for local users only, or will it be possible to invite non local u...
this look like a configuration problem for me. you should re-run carbonio-bootstrap with a special care for the replica problem, in case you don't int...
did you try to just reboot the server ? verify if there is a ssl certificat expiration, it may produce this error as well (at least on zimbra). a...
I will ! .....................................................
I am using both zmauditswatch and fail2ban it is a bit tricky to configure fail2ban but there is good reviews on the zimbra community forums or some...
Hi @tom11011 it's a matter of date. zcs-9.0.0_ZEXTRAS_20220713 is patch 25.
So the Question to Zextras is : should we update any of Zextras Zimbra 9 build ?
there were a post on this forums for this error: here is a extract. Anyone who is also having issues upgrading to the p25 version of Zextras Zimbr...
on my side carbonio is on test. not yet validated for prod. so I will wait till (most off) the bug is fixed.
can you see this link this illustrate my words