Last seen: 12/01/2024 20:12
I have given up the new installation of zimbra.I was tired. So, can I download "old" installation packages?, for example zcs-9.0.0_ZEXTRAS_2022020...
I tried installation of zimbra by zextras so many time. Today, The situation has changed. on the way to install, ./ Downloading Pack...
Hi, from yesterday, zmmailboxd cannot running after apt upgrade. From release of new zextras zimbra for Ubuntu20/RHEL8(6 June), I am patient to use,...
Hi, thank you for your work. I tried installation zextras's zimbra for ubuntu20.but, when OS reboot, failed to start LSB.manually start 'systemctl s...
The issue when OS stat up, system show me "failed to start service discover" "failed to start LSB" This is the result of journalctl -u carboni...
Sorry many times, this issue is not yet solved. I tried many times OS reboot, but failed to start service discover server.(single server installatio...
I fixed the issue above using command 'systemctl start carbonio'. I confirmed that service 'carbonio' certainly exists in /etc/init.d. It seems th...
I have two virtual machines. A machine has 3TB storages. On the other hand, B machine has only 500GB. I want to store all the data(including e-mai...
I am very sorry.↓bellow.This is worng! PGPASSWORD=My_Mesh_Password£0! carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio-files-adm×) PGPASSWORD=my_pg...
PGPASSWORD=My_Mesh_Password£0! carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio-files-adm×) PGPASSWORD=my_pg_password#3 carbonio-files-db-bootstrap c...
pending setups→pending-setups incorrect-----------correct
self-resolved. I confirmed in apt list carbonio-* carbonio-strorages-ce is OK
I have received e-mail from Sale Team again.According to it, It has been confirmed that the chats feature is not available now and probably it will...
I received e-mail from Zextras Sales Team. According to that, it is not planned to make that Chats is available in the future.oops. But looking at...
Thank you @linganna.palepu I encountered that I cannot search users while creating new chat or spaces. The problem is not adding virtual host name...