Last seen: 12/01/2024 20:12
I fixed the issue above using command 'systemctl start carbonio'. I confirmed that service 'carbonio' certainly exists in /etc/init.d. It seems th...
I have two virtual machines. A machine has 3TB storages. On the other hand, B machine has only 500GB. I want to store all the data(including e-mai...
I am very sorry.↓bellow.This is worng! PGPASSWORD=My_Mesh_Password£0! carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio-files-adm×) PGPASSWORD=my_pg...
PGPASSWORD=My_Mesh_Password£0! carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio-files-adm×) PGPASSWORD=my_pg_password#3 carbonio-files-db-bootstrap c...
pending setups→pending-setups incorrect-----------correct
self-resolved. I confirmed in apt list carbonio-* carbonio-strorages-ce is OK
I have received e-mail from Sale Team again.According to it, It has been confirmed that the chats feature is not available now and probably it will...
I received e-mail from Zextras Sales Team. According to that, it is not planned to make that Chats is available in the future.oops. But looking at...